Part 5

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I recovered quickly.

"Your wound isn't really deep, it was light instead. Masamune-sama is really skilled, he only cuts the outside skin and try not to really cut your throat." The doctor explains as he opened the bandage 

Skilled? He almost killed me? And it hurts like hell.

"But too bad a beautiful skin like this have to suffer a scar." He said while touching my neck.

I backed away and covered my neck.

"Thank you.." I said.

The doctor nods and left my room.

I changed my kimono. I noticed the kimono is different.

The last white kimono i liked wasn't there. It must be changed because it was soaked with my blood.

I wear the kimono and walks out of my room.

Should i have breakfast?

Ugh, if i do. Im going to meet HIM.

I don't want to.

Maybe i'll skip breakfast.

"Lady Yue, where are you going?" Kojuro called.

"Kojuro-san, why are you everywhere?" I turn around slowly.

"I was ordered by Masamune-sama to take you for breakfast." Kojuro bowed.


"I-im about to skip breakfast..." I turn around about to run away.

"He's waiting for you, Lady Yue." Kojuro grabs my shoulder and drag me to the dining hall.

"Eh? But i don't want to!" I shouted.


We reached the dining hall.

The dining hall is quiet. Not like it used to.

Where did everyone go?

"Kojuro where is every-"

Kojuro slides the door open.

And suddenly..

"CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR RECOVERY LADY YUE!" There the guys of Date's army filled the dining hall.

They shouted together, smiled and even clap their hands.

They raised their sake cup.

Im surprised and confused in the same time.

Why? I just unconcious for 2 days and have to stay in bed because of fever for 3 days.

And...i was nobody to them.

Masamune stands up and walks to me.

He chuckled as he see my surprised face.

"Surprised? I told them to do this. The feast is no fun if there were no pretty girl here." He smirked.


Suddenly i remembered the people from the village.

Their kindness.

Their laughter.

Knowing i can never met them again.

[Fanfic] Melted Heart [Masamune x OC]Where stories live. Discover now