Part 10

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I followed Masamune to the main hall.

Eiji already there, looked cleaner then before.

His hair is tied and his clothes changed.

Masamune sits opposite from Eiji.

I sits next to Kojuro.

"Oi, Kid. Do you think my decision is forcing you?." Masamune said with his loud voice.

Eiji looked down.

"N-no." He answered.

"Hoo, tell me your past." Masamune crossed his arms.

"That's an order." He stated.

Ugh he didn't have to be so strict to him.

Eiji raised his head surprised.

His face turns gloomy.

Maybe he didn't really want to tell about his past.

"Masamune-sama i-" i was about to tell him not to force him. But masamune glared at me.

I gulped and sits straight looking down.

"Im...a normal boy, living a normal life. I have both really kind parents. But..." Eiji gulped.

"One night the bandits came, it happened when Masamune-sama is out of Oshuu for a war. They came taking everything from us, not only us the other villagers too. My parents fight to protect their belongings, but ended up killed by was horrible. I can't stop crying and the bandit notice me. Then from that day they make me their slave..." Eiji explained.

Hearing this makes my heart hurt.

I can feel his suffering.

He's just a boy but have to experienced all this.

"A bandit attacked the villager? KOJURO! Why i didn't know about this?!" Masamune shouted furious.

Eiji and i startled.

"Forgive me, Masamune-sama. You are too busy, i couldn't find the right time to tell you. After we go back, i think i shouldn't tell you because its already happened and we already take care of them." Kojuro bowed really low to Masamune.

Masamune stands up and punched Kojuro.

I gasp surprised.

Kojuro still bowed his head low.

He didn't dodge or try to run away.

Masamune about to land another punch.

"Ma-masamune-sama! Stop!" I hugged Masamune from the back.

He suddenly stops and calmed down.

"Ah, you make me lose my cool, Kojuro." Masamune puts his hand on his face and he smirked.

Masamune let go of my hand from his waist.

I take a step back.

"You can stay here, kid." Masamune smirked to Eiji.

"Thank you very much, Masamune-sama!" Eiji bowed really low.

"But you're not going to serve me, you're going to serve this lady. Because she is the one that wanted you to be here." Masamune pointed me with his thumb.

[Fanfic] Melted Heart [Masamune x OC]Where stories live. Discover now