Part 13

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I sobs, feeling all my body goes weak.

Masamune wraps his arms around me.

And hugged me.

"Im sorry. You are the first women i ever encounter. I didn't know what should i do. I hurt your feelings a lot." His voice turned soft. He put his chin on top of my head since he's taller than me.

"Yeah, a lot." I cried, burying my face to his chest.

"I don't really know what im feeling right now. But i don't like seeing you cry." He said.

I clutched to his hakama.

Then he searched for my lips and kissed me again.


We go back to Date's residence. Finding Eiji and Kojuro looked at us with worried look.

"We're okay." He said.

"Lady Yue, lets go back to your room." Eiji holds me and walk to Date's residence.

I followed weakly.

"You're a little bit a mess, Lady everything really okay?" Eiji looked at me.

"No actually, i don't understand what is happening." I said.

"Did you and Masamune-sama make up already?"

"I guess...." My face turns red remembering what just happened.

"Lady Yue? Could you possibly be...."

I turned to Eiji, panicked.


"...having a fever? You're face is red." He said worried.

I sighed.

"Oh Eiji-kun..." I pat his head.


"Kojuro." I called Kojuro as i watched Eiji takes Yue to her room.

Kojuro turned to me.

"Do i have time for all this?" I said.

"What do you mean?"

"No idea, since she came around. Everything changed." I crossed my arms.

"Is it in a good way? Or a bad way?" Kojuro puts his hand on his chin.


"Hmm...." Kojuro seem to be thinking.

"She said that she loved me." I said while looking far away.

Kojuro looked surprised.

"Then how about you?"

"I don't know. Im tired of hurting her." I sighed hard.

"You just haven't realized it, Masamune-sama."

"Hoo." I walked to my room leaving Kojuro.

[Fanfic] Melted Heart [Masamune x OC]Where stories live. Discover now