Part 12

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I never see Masamune-sama like that.

Lady Yue is coped up in her room all day.

And right now it almost evening.

She doesn't want to eat. She told Eiji to stay away.

That boy couldn't help to worry about her.

After what happen at breakfast. The atmosphere in Date's residence changed,

The army didn't asked any question, they even stayed away from Date's residence for a while.

Masamune-sama must be in a really bad mood.

But...isn't this all my fault?

If i told Masamune-sama back then of what happened.

This wouldn't happen,

He didn't have to fight with Lady Yue.

It really is my fault.

I kneeled in front of Lady Yue's room door.

"Lady Yue, it's me. Kojuro. Please eat something. You will starve." I plead.

She didn't answer.

"Lady Yue...Please forgive me, it was all my fault, please don't hate Masamune-sama." I bowed my head low, even though i know Lady Yue won't see me.

"Eiji is really worried about you." I said again.

"Lady Yue, please open the door."

The door slides open slowly.

"Kojuro-san." She said weakly.

I raised my head.

And surprised.

She is a mess. She must be crying this whole time.

Her eyes is red and her hair is messy.

"Lady Yue, please eat. You're not looking good." I said and pushed a tray with food.

She just nodded and take the tray inside.

"May i come in?" I asked.

"Sure." She said.

I enter her room and sits opposite of her.

She eats slowly.

And i just watched her.

Seeing her like this makes me feel regretful.

"Lady Yue, im really sorry. This is all my fault." I bowed really low.

"Its my fault, im no one here and i try to tell you guys what to do. Im an idiot right? I told leader of Oshuu what to do! Haha." She smiled, but somehow sad.

"You're important to Masamune-sama." I said full of confidence.

"Impossible. He hate me. I should just go back to my village. I don't care if they're going to kill me." She said.

"No, Lady Yue...he-"

"Im sorry Kojuro-san, can you leave....?" She interupted me, looking at me with full of sadness and pleading eyes.

I couldn't refuse.

"Yes, i understand." I stand up and leave the room without saying anything.

Im afraid i will hurt her more.

I closed the door and sighed.

Why did this happen?


[Fanfic] Melted Heart [Masamune x OC]Where stories live. Discover now