Part 22

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On present day.


I stopped and looked back.

Did i just heard someone's voice?

But im the last on the line...

"Hm? What's wrong?" A blonde hair guy said when he noticed i stopped.

"Ah, no..i think i heard a voice." I said furrowing my eyebrows.

"Don't tell have a sixth sense?!" He looked at me worried.

My face turned pale.

"W-w-what?! No! I clearly heard it!" I said.

"But i didn't hear anything, beside you are the only one behind me." He sighed.

"That's true...." I shrugged.

"Maybe you heard the wind." He grinned.

"Oi! What are you guys talking about?" A deep voice heard.

"Nothing." The blonde haired guy raised his shoulders.

"Nothing?" The other guy raised his eyebrow annoyed.

"Could it be you're jealous?!" The blonde haired guy elbowed the other guy.

I blushed and glance at him.

"Haaa? Nonsense, let's go." He said then start walking away.

"Im just kidding!" The blonde hair guy said and catch up with him.

"Guys! W-wait for me!" I run to keep up with them.


I slowed my pace behind them.

They're having a conversation without me included.

We stopped at the side of the road.

We're about to crossed the road, but the traffic light showed red.

When i raised my head i look ahead.

There is a women talking on the phone with a little boy standing next to her.

She wasn't paying attention to the boy when suddenly the boy runs to cross the road that is still crowded with cars.

I who notice this shouted.


Right when the little boy at the middle, a car was rushing towards him.

My eyes widen surprised.

He's going to get hit!

I could hear people shouting.

And i see the women start to notice the boy and screaming desperately.

"NOO!" I reach out my hand and run to the road.

But suddenly something really heavy crashed into me.

It all happens in a flash.

I fall to the ground.

[Fanfic] Melted Heart [Masamune x OC]Where stories live. Discover now