11-A Farewell

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^I found this on insta...and I was like...THIS TOTALLY LOOKS LIKE A SCENE FROM ONE OF MY CHAPTERS AHHHH (minus the Kylo Ren mask lol)

The figure continued towards Rey. She stood, paralyzed in fear of what would happen next. If it was her destiny to die that night, so be it. She was ready for whatever came.

The person came closer, and stopped about a meter away from her, and it reached up to its mask. A click sounded, and air pressure was released from the apparatus that kept it latched on to the head of the figure. What came next, terrified Rey.

Her dear Ben, was standing before her. His raven locks still flowed effortlessly around his head, against his pale skin and plump lips. She gasped, and a tear fell down her cheek. Ben reached his hand out to wipe it away, but she stepped back in fear.

"Rey, come with me, and together, we can rule the galaxy!" He shouted, over the commotion of the screams and fires raging around them. Rey shook her head no, the tears coming quicker now.


"My name is not Ben! I am Kylo Ren! Ben Solo was weak and of the light! I am Kylo Ren!" he spoke proudly.

Rey wasn't sure if she should speak again...she was afraid to. She was considering death at the moment. But, she decided to try again, and so she began speaking loudly, over the sounds of distant screams of agony, and the crackling fires.

"Ben, BEN! Why are you doing this?"

"I have to. "

"I see under the sheet of darkness that has fallen upon you, come back before it's too late!"

"It already is too late. Goodbye, Rey."

Then Rey felt herself fall into a deep, un-peaceful, and dark sleep. Kylo Ren slowly glided away from her unconscious form. A tear, although invisible from the rest of the universe underneath his mask, fell down his cheek. Kylo Ren left the scene of the massacre, where he had just murdered dozens of former fellow Jedi padawans, at the academy his uncle had established. He didn't look back, for he knew that if he did, he would totally break...he would be torn apart.

Days had passed after the massacre, and Luke was still in despair. He couldn't save everyone...if anyone. He had searched the whole scene, and had found one survivor; Rey. Rey had survived the terrible wrath of the newly deemed, 'Kylo Ren'.

He sifted through her memories when she was unconscious to what had happened. Ben-now Kylo Ren, had asked her to join him, and she refused. He appeared to not be able to kill her, although Luke had felt in Rey's memory that she had felt prepared for that outcome. That's my padawan, Luke smiled to himself. He had taught her well.

A couple of days after the massacre, he followed his emergency procedure. Which was to basically disappear. He gave part of his location to an old friend, and the other in his favorite droid, R2D2. He gave the droid strict instructions on when to reveal this map, and the droid was to stay in a coma-like state until those conditions occurred.

With that settled, Luke had to figure out what to do with Rey, whom was still in an unconscious state. He searched the Outer Rim for days looking for a planet with certain conditions; Somewhere where no one really wanted to go, a place where Rey could somehow make a living, and most importantly; a place where no one could find her...most specifically Kylo Ren.

One planet met these standards, and that was Jakku.

Jakku was a dessert planet similar to Luke's Tatooine. There were small villages, and a few trading posts. Luke first found something for Rey to live in, which was a fallen AT-AT. He placed in food and provisions; which included a bed, and some random things that may be helpful to her.

Next up, he needed to alter her memories. Unfortunately, he knew that if Rey was to live her life, it would be without the memories of Ben or the academy...or himself. He didn't erase the memories though, he just pushed them really far back into her mind where she wouldn't be able to find them. No one could know she was force sensitive. Luke, then planted seeds of memories into her mind. Memories that gave her the idea that this had been the way she had lived her life for a while. He also placed images of the planet he would be on.

Luke felt in the force that he and Rey would meet again. He also felt that eventually he would be found...it was inevitable. But, he wanted to be found by Rey, so therefore he placed in those little hints of where he was. Luke went through all the possibilities of whom would be looking for him, and he knew that one person would be his sister, Leia. Leia had recently organized a rebel group called , the Resistance. Luke wanted Rey to somehow be aware of this group, so maybe one day she could be led to them.

Luke later that day left Rey to live out her new life as a scavenger, a tear falling down his cheek as he left the AT-AT. He would miss the girl. He already anxiously anticipated the day that they would meet again.

Wooooooo. That was a lot of information lol. I just want it to be as close as I can get it to explaining certain things that happened in the force awakens. Poor Rey😞 thanks SO much for 200 reads! I can't believe it! Happy Easter once again to those who celebrate! Bye for noooowww!
May the force be with you,

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