23-The Guest

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She awoke in a cold, dark cell. Her arms, wrists, ankles, and legs restrained by metal cuffs attached to some type of chair. Rey anxiously looked around, trying to figure out how in the galaxy she got there, when she remembered her encounter with Kylo Ren in the forest.

"You're awake," a deep, menacing, mechanical voice spoke.

"Where am I?" Rey asked. The masked person stared at her for a bit, and then he spoke again.

"You're my guest," although Rey couldn't see, Kylo Ren was smiling from beneath his helmet.

"Where are the others?" Rey said frantically. Kylo Ren was anticipating this question.

"You mean he murderers, traitors, and thieves you call friends?" Kylo paused for a moment, assessing her reaction to his words. He wanted to see the affect he had on this girl, if any. Rey stared at him, and little did she know he was staring into her deep, hazel eyes. "You'll be relieved to hear that I have no idea," Kylo said, he heard her puff out extra air out if her mouth in relief.

Rey studied him. Who was this person wreaking havoc upon the galaxy? They seemed so...familiar. Rey was still so curious. But after all this person had done, familiar or not, she still wanted to kill them for what they had done to the galaxy.

Kylo Ren, whom was silently probing the scavenger's thoughts, caught on to that piece of information. His heart sank a little bit. But she obviously couldn't recognize him with the mask...right? So he just had to take it off and then he could have her back...no. He thought to himself. That was Ben Solo speaking. Kylo Ren had no such attachments to the enemy, and he never would. He pushed out all memories of her, or thoughts, to the dark abyss that was inside of his head.

"You still want to kill me," Kylo Ren spoke.

Rey looked at him in defiance, and angrily replied, "That happens when you're being hunted by a creature in a mask," Kylo Ren thought for a moment. He needed to get the map out of this girl. He needed to get to her in some way. This is your opportunity to show her it's still you, the man she loves. Kylo growled to himself. He couldn't think of these....these...weak ideas...the ideas of Ben Solo. Kylo reached up, and pressed the two small buttons on either side of his mask, releasing the pressure, and he pushed up, pulling it off. He stood up abruptly, and slammed the helmet down on his table of ashes...the ashes of his dead enemies. When she saw him, she showed no sign of recognition, only her previous hatred and curiosity. Skywalker must have wiped her memories!

In front of Rey, stood a man. A very human man. Not a monster, nor a creature, but a man. His skin was pale, and freckles were present on his face. His nose was long, and he had pink, plump lips. His eyes were dark, brown pools of hatred, anger...and sadness? Raven locks flowed perfectly upon his head, fluffy and voluminous. If he wasn't such a murderer...Rey would say he actually looked quite...handsome. But he looked so familiar. There was just something that nagged at her from the very back of her mind, like she personally knew this man. She couldn't have though...she had never even left Jakku before that day, an certainly this man wouldn't have bothered with a scavenger that comes from the filthy, desolate, outer rim planet of Jakku.

Kylo Ren spoke again, breaking her of her thoughts. "Tell me about the droid," his voice came out in a deep, commanding sort of way, yet soft at the same time. Kylo Ren was even surprised at himself...he hadn't hear his own non-mechanical voice in a very long time.

Rey nervously replied, "He's a BB unit with a selenium drive and a thermal hyperspace vindicator--"

"And he's carrying a section of a navigational chart. We have the rest, recovered from archives of the Empire. We need the last piece. And somehow, you convinced the droid to show it to you. You. A scavenger." Kylo spoke, looking into her eyes.

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