22-Lost and Found

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Rey was gone. He couldn't believe that she just slipped through his fingers that easily. He couldn't protect her...and now she might be dead for all he knows. But he had to save her. I will save you Rey...I promise. He made that silent promise to save Rey, no matter what it took.

Finn was currently at the Resistance Base, and had arrived not long after Rey had been taken by Kylo Ren. People started to run outside, excited for something...in which Finn had no idea why. He ran outside with the rest of the crowd, wondering what was happening. His question was immediatly answered, with the familiar sound of X-Wings landing outside the hangar. Families were reunited, and hugs were exchanged. Finn wondered around aimlessly, having no one to reunite with, nor celebrate with. But, he soon realized he was wrong.

Up ahead, was a familiar face. Poe Dameron. He was still alive.


The pilot looked up from his own reunion with BB-8, and his smile instantly widened when he saw Finn. Both men ran towards each other and hugged.

"You're alive!" Finn exclaimed.

"So are you!" Poe said happily back.

"What happened to you?"

"What happened? I got thrown from the crash...woke up at night...no you, no ship, nothing..."

BB-8 beeped a couple of things Finn couldn't understand.

"BB-8 says you saved him," Poe said, his smile still as big as ever.

"No, no no....It wasn't just me," Finn replied.

"You completed my mission, Fi-That's my jacket?" Poe looked Finn up and down, lightly touching Finn's arm.

"Oh...uh, here," Finn said starting to take it off.

"No, no, no. Keep it. It suits you," Poe said, slightly biting his lower lip. "You're a good man, Finn." The two men hugged again, this time slightly tighter, and then Finn spoke.

"Poe...I need your help," Poe nodded, smiled, and the two growing friends walked towards the command room with their arms slung over one another's shoulders.

Finn was going to get back Rey.

Bit of a short chapter...had a busy day today watching Netflix😂 I really wanted to do a chapter in like a Finn point of view. I may post tomorrow morning (or at least my morning, so just think of it 8-12 hours from now lol.) Hope you all enjoyed the chapter😊 Off to bed, until the morrow.
May the force be with you,

May the force be with you,MJ

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