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Wow. I've no words for how grateful I am for the support that I've gotten for this book. I cannot thank you all enough for your votes, reads, comments, and not to mention patience, for my writing. This is has been a real journey, and I'm so glad that I could share it with you all. I started this story, I think February of this year, 2016? Forgive me if I'm wrong. Anyhow, it's been an amazing experience, and I thank you all for sharing it with me.

There's a couple of people in particular for whom I would like to thank:

My dear friend, TrekkieHolmesGirl , thanks for giving me some critiques along the way, and for just being an amazing friend.

To BookyBeatle , johannaistrash , misstoocoolforyou3 , ScavengerGirl , ThatBubbleGumBxtch ...thank you all for your continuous support! Believe me, you guys have no idea how much your votes and comments have meant to me.

And lastly, I would like to thank ALL of my readers. Thank you for reading. Voting. Commenting. It's so encouraging as a writer to get feedback from one's readers. Thank you all for sticking with this book, once again. I believe that my writing can get pretty dull because...well sometimes I use language that is too proper😂 I have been told by my debate coach that I need to sometimes make my writing a bit less formal, so I apologize for any of those chapters, and really a lot of the chapters, where I've kind of surpassed that silent rule for myself😂

So everyone, thank you so much once again.

As for my plans for future writings, I plan to start another book soon. But, I do need help in choosing what fandom I will writing in...because as any of you whom have read the Q&A or my bio may very well know, is the fact that I'm in over 13 fandoms. Yeah. Heh heh heh. Sorry....Not sorry.

If you guys could comment a fandom from the below list that maybe you would be interested in reading, that would be great!

Star Wars
Marvel (cinematic universe and/or comic universe, I'm well versed in both😂)
Harry Potter
Star Trek (reboots or orig.)

So that's about it, in terms of what ones I would be comfortable in writing in. Please do comment. It would help me SOOO much.

Well, this is the last time I'll be signing off on this story *tears*. If you're interested in any of my future works, please give me a follow, so you can stay updated and informed on what's happening! If you guys have any questions about the text, or for me, ask away.

Thank you all so much again.

With much love...
May the force be with you,

May the force be with you,MJ❤️

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Okay B Y E❤️

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Okay B Y E❤️


16 November 2016

Under the Sheet of Darkness|«Reylo»Where stories live. Discover now