Spending time together.

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Glen and I have spent most of the last six weeks together .The Script are having a break between their world tour and heading back into the studio to write and record album four .

So our time has been intense but truly magical.We've really gotten to know each other .

We've told each other about family and friends and about our childhoods.

I've never felt comfortable enough to give away so much so soon but Glen makes me so at ease I can let my guard down .

We're spending all our free time together, luckily I can work from home.

We have had days out ,many,many days and nights in !!!Romantic dinners ,long strolls.We even spent a night on the beach under the stars making love to the sound of the ocean .

I adore him and it

feels like coming home, only to no home I've ever known .He makes me feel safe and wanted.

We can be having a regular conversation and he just comes out with something awe inspiring .And he can make me howl with laughter .He actually doesn't realise how funny he is.

But then my heart sinks .This is Glen Power .He is no ordinary guy but I am just an ordinary girl and I know he deserves better.It's probably just a little fling for him while he's on his break .But for me I think I loved him when I set eyes on him !

And I'm scared.

A chance meeting with GlenWhere stories live. Discover now