intro, sorta

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One thing I love to do in my spare time is to go on younow and watch the people that inspire me to be happy and to follow my dreams.

Those people are 99goonsquad aka Julian and Jovani Jara aka the best people in the world.

What I love about them is they always try there hardest to notice their supporters, if I dm them on Twitter or instagram they will respond most of the time which makes me really happy.

Most younowers have a couple fans they notice all the time and then some others every now and then but these boys i swear they work so hard for us and we are so lucky to have people who care for us an appreciate out support.

As much as i want to go on and on about how much I love them but you guys probably love them just as much as me if you're reading this.

I decided to write this little story for them & you guys  :)) stay tuned, add it to your library to know when I update ;)

Is it love?//Julian JaraWhere stories live. Discover now