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Julian's P.O.V
She is so stunning and chill, I whisper in Jovani's ear with my hand covering my mouth so no one can read my lips.

"She is so bloody cute" I smile at him. He winks at me and says "You have a crush on a goonie don't ya" I shake my head 'no' and look back at the screen.

I see her mum on the screen and nudge Jovani to start talking to her.

Jovani- "Heyyy, so we were wondering if your beautiful daughter could come to part of my story tour"

I glare at him, I don't know why I got annoyed when he called her beautiful. I don't even know her, I need to calm down she's just a fan.

Bethany's P.O.V
My mum glares at me and says "I'm sorry boys but I honestly am struggling with money and I don't know if she can" she frowns and starts rubbing my back.

Julian- "What if, we offered her a free ticket to poms!?"

I freaked out and went out of the frame of the broadcast, my mum kept switching between looking at me and looking at the boys. Julian and Jovani both had huge smiles on their face waiting for the answer.

"Well I guess, but you have to promise me one thing" my mum says talking to the boys.

They both nod their heads, "Promise to make it the best day of her life"

"I promise" Both of the boys say at the same time.

My heart was beating so fast and I was so in love with them.

They grabbed all of our information, I had to dm it to them on Twitter. Now we wait.

I decide to walk to the milk bar to get some snacks for a movie night tonight, it's so sad how I have to watch movies alone and cuddle a pillow I mean I'm gonna be single forever.

I put my headphones in and start listening to Shawn Mendes.

I walk in the store grab some Doritos, Arizona tea and some twizzlers. I walk up to the register to see someone paying.

They had dark brown hair and were wearing an adidas tracksuit. I swear I'm so over adidas tracksuits they are over worn and annoying.

He is finally finished paying and he turns around and I slowly die inside. I smile at him and he stops

Him- "Hey, you're really cute what's your name?"

Bethany- "Aha thank you, it's Bethany and what's yours?"

Him- "I'm Mario, nice to meet you, put your number in my phone?"

Bethany- "Yeah sure"

I put my number in and I texted myself saying "I was lying I do know who you are bahahah sorry:)" I send that to my number just to have his number saved. I shut his phone and hand it to him.

I hear a cough behind me and turn around to an old lady standing waiting to get served "Oh young love, I remember those days" She says to us and smiles. I giggle and wave goodbye to Mario.

I finally am done with the milk bar.

That was an interesting milk bar trip...

Heyyy guys, you may or may not have noticed that I finally found a name for the book and I changed the cover photo. Hope it didn't confuse anyone :))

Is it love?//Julian JaraWhere stories live. Discover now