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okay none of this is realistic but goals omg

I am finally getting to meet the boys, I walk up and wait for the girl to be finished with Jonas, I don't really know Jonas that much so I just hug him and pose for a picture.

"Hey cutie what's your name?"

"It's Bethany lol" I feel awkward I don't know why, he pulls me in for another hug and he puts me on his snapchat story.

Next is Mario, he turns and faces me his face lights up "BETHANAENAE" he shouts and opens his arms. I roll my eyes and don't go in for a hug.

"Hug me already hoe" he says and I smile at him.

I put my arms out and don't move in

"if you want a hug walk to me, I'm too lazy"

he walks in and we embrace, he is holding on too long and I pull away

"bro back it up Ali is waiting to meet you" we look over at Ali and she is staring at us impatiently.

"Wait before you go Bethany take a photo for my snapchat"

"Wow love my fans, always happy to take photos with them"

I pose and he tells me to hold his phone for the selfie, I do and he stands behind me and I tried tricking him and I took a video instead

"why did you take a video" he pretends to snap my neck and I laugh and add it to his story.

"okay bye rat" i say and walk over to Jovani

"Heyyyyy, you're taller than I thought" Jovani says as he looks at me up and down. I see Julian with a supporter and they are taking photos and laughing, I just want to hug him already.

"Yupp in pretty tall hey, you're shorter than I thought"

"Whatever shorty"

"Okay tall-y"

"Go hug your boyfriend he's waiting" I laugh and hit Jovani on the shoulders. I see Julian and he turns his head and lock eyes with me.

I run up to him and just as he was about to hug me I dab, I turned around and he grabs me by the back and we are laughing. I turn around and we hug. He puts his head in my shoulder and I hug him tighter, we are hugging for ages rocking side to side and turning I hear a cough, still hugging Julian I turn my head and see Jovani Mario and Jonas all standing with Ali waiting for us.

"Go make musical.lys or something" Julian says to them shooing them away.

I giggle and hug Julian again.

"Never let go" Julian whispers into my ear

"Do you mean literally because that will be hard to like eat and stuff"

"Of course I didn't but just go with it okay"

"If you want me to be serious I will, I'll legit never let go"

"Okay go ahead and see how long that lasts you"

"Sure, walk over to them" I point to Ali and everyone else

We attempt to walk still hugging and Julian stops

"This isn't going to work" he lifts me up and carries me to everyone.

"Okay love birds, we are making a musical.ly, and by we I mean Ali & I so leave rats" Mario says as Ali giggles and looks at Mario's phone.

I wink at Ali, she smiles at me and I give her a thumbs up.

Julian says to me "We have 1 hour backstage, because Mario goes on stage soon and we go after him"

"what do we do lol" I say to him as he grabs my hand & drags me to the back area.

I walk down and their dad sees me "Heyy Bethany!! I've seen you on the boys broadcast a lot & Julian is always talking about you!"

"Oooh is he really now" I say and look at Julian.

"Um anyways we are going upstairs" Julian says acting flustered.

As he drags me upstairs we sit up stairs by a window watching all of the people walking through the streets,

"So Julian, what was that about always talking about me hmm?"

"lol it's nothing haha of course I'm going to talk about you because you are always harassing me" he says

I hit him "Oh really now, i don't think I'm the one who always starts the FaceTime calls" I smile and he nudges me.

He puts his arm around me and I go to camera to take some cute pictures.

"Literally if any of these go on social media say goodbye to your life"  he says to me while smiling for the camera

"and whys that?"

"because we will end up on messy Monday and all of our supporters will attack you and I don't want that for you"

"Oh well I'm taking photos anyways"

lolol okay I'm stuck with this story bc I want it just to be happy but then I got to make it interesting & I don't want it to just be cliche and be like every other fanfic.

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