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I've never been to poms so I have no idea how it's set up so if it's nothing like when you went that's why. IM WRITING IT NOW AND IM SO CONFUSED ON HOW TO SET IT OUT OMG.

Today is the day, the day I get to meet my idols. Mario, I haven't been talking to him much but he's one of my best friends and I know if I need something I can talk to him. Jovani, he's like a brother to me, always making fun of each other & he's always in the background when I'm face timing Julian. Last, Julian, he's my best friend, my family, we non stop talk and he makes me feel like I have no life out of social media. Whenever I'm away from my phone I miss talking to him, whenever he's busy I miss him, I can't wait to be in his arms and I can't wait to spend time with him.

I text Julian

Bethany- I'm nearly there
Julian- Can you line up last in the meet and greet?
Bethany- whyyyyy?
Julian- I wanna spend a lot of time with you & I don't want for ppl to be waiting for us:)
Bethany- Okayyy but I wanna see you asap haha
Julian- See you soon ;)

I shut my phone off and hop into the car with Ali and my Mum, Ali sits in the back and I was going to sit in the front but I decided to sit in the back so Ali & I can fantasise about meeting the boys.

Ali looks out the window and I can tell that she doesn't look happy.

"Hey Ali are you okay?" I worry and lean forward to see her face.

"Uhh yeah, I'm nervous to meet the boys & I don't know I just don't feel well" She tells me with a questioning voice, that's for sure not the right reason.

"Why what's wrong you seem sad"

"It's just, you're going to have such a cute experience like running into the boys arms and I'm going to film you and I feel like when I hug Mario he will just brush me off, you know?"

"Ali, Mario is the sweetest kid. He will love you, I'm going to text him now to tell him that I have an awesome best friend coming"

"No no no, don't do that it's embarrassing, he's going to think that I asked you to send that"

"Stop stressing, everything's fine. You know how nice all of the boys are, you've watched their broadcast!"

"How's Mario? Like is he nice? is he rude? is he sassy?" I get overwhelmed with a lot of questions.

"He's really really nice, today when we stay back with the boys try and talk to Mario a lot, okay?"

"Wait, what? stay back with 'the boys?'"

"Oh yeah hahaha well you're my best friend so you're staying back at the show with me"

"Okay you're confusing me but I'll go with it"

We both keep talking all the way to the show.
We are searching for ages trying to find a park around this venue. I check the time anxiously, 11:23am is the time that my phone reads. The meet and greet starts at 12am & we are about 15 minutes away. Shivers of excitement and nervousness take over me.

I take in the scenery around me because I barely come out to the city because I have no life.

I zone out for a while when I notice that we are parking. I jolt up and my Mum turns her head back to us.

"Girls, I'm sure you know I'm not coming into the venue with you so you girlies have fun!"

"Thank you Mum" I smile kindly at her.

"You know where to go right?" she questions me

"Yeah we will be fine" I answer confidently, even though I'm not sure at all.

I hop out of the car and am greeted at by Ali, I legit have no idea where we are, I think to myself. I've been around here before, I'm sure I can find the way.

We walk around for about 5 minutes. I glance down at my phone looking for the time.

11:45 the time reads, 15 minutes until the meet and greet starts.

I frantically open my phone and call Julian.

"Bethany? hello?" he sounds confused

"yeah hi, I have no idea where the venue is and I'm standing out front of a Starbucks"

"Oh yes, it's right near there, just go left down the Main Street and when you see a lit up sign you will be at the venue"

I take his directions, I face left because we were walking right and I start to walk down the Main Street. I see further down is a lit up sign, my walking pace speeds up as I see girls entering the venue with posters and merch. I stop and look down at my outfit and turn to Ali

"hey um is my hair & outfit okay?"

"yes girl! slay"

I take a deep breath and walk into the venue. I see the part of my story posters everywhere. I see all of the girls crowding around the entire place. I walk a bit further in and see a huge line. My stomach sinks I see him. Julian. He doesn't see me though. I hang around the back letting anyone who's arriving go in front of me. First is Jonas and then Mario, Jovani and then finally, Julian. I smile and look at Ali, she hasn't taken her eyes off Mario. The line is so long, it's going to be worth the wait.

HAHA SORRY I haven't updated in ages & this is a cliff hanger but I'm going on winter break tomorrow for 2 weeks so I will try and update but my lazy ass is too lazy.

Is it love?//Julian JaraWhere stories live. Discover now