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Ali and I both went to our own house to watch the broadcast because she has Walmart wifi and I don't want to ruin this broadcast. Somehow I feel like they might guest me, I don't know if they will because I have never been guested before.

I open my laptop and sit at my desk and keep refreshing Twitter waiting for them to tweet out that they are live.

I grab some Easter Eggs to snack on while I wait for them to go live, it's taking forever and I'm legit on the edge of my seat waiting.

I refresh and the tweet comes up and they are doing that zoolander pose with the finger in their mouth, which is really cute and funny.

I click on the broadcast and they are playing younow gurl. I start jamming out with them and then I take a bunch of photos of them because they are really cute.

Julian - "Hey babes, what's up how's everyone's days been going"
Jovani - "Rate them from 1-10, I better see a bunch of 10's or I'm gonna be sad"
I comment a 10, I know a bunch of people are commenting but may as well comment to make them happy.

Jovani- "Guys today we are going to do something special"

I sit up straight and start listening really carefully.

Julian- "We are going to be convincing parents!"

Jovani- "To go to poms, you forgot that part"

Julian- "I'm pretty sure they know"

Jovani- "Well I gotta tell them because they might not know"

Julian- "Whatever bro, I swear"

Jovani- "Stop adding on"

I'm giggling through out this whole argument because it's really funny when they fight. A bunch of people are commenting telling them to stop fighting but I'm laughing because it's so funny.

Julian- "Get on the guest cue babes, if your parents need convincing"

Crap my mum said that she is going shopping I don't know if she is home or not.

Jovani- "Write what city you are from on a piece of paper and hold it up in your photo for the guest cue"

I grab my laptop and run down stairs to grab a piece of paper and I see my mum.

Thankgod, "Mum, you need to be ready to be guested"

"What in the world is guesting, please don't make me get hurt"

I start laughing while I'm jogging up the stairs to hop in the guest cue.

Right now the boys haven't started guesting people but they are talking about people saying that they don't notice them.

I sit down and write in big letters


and I wait for them to start convincing parents.

Julian- "So we got this idea because I was answering dm's and this girl named Bethany said that she doesn't think that she can come because of her mum"

Jovani- "Andd we got a really good deal with the part of my story tour team"

Julian- "I want to guest this Bethany girl, because she is the one who started this, I gotta quickly dm her to find out her username"

I freak out, I get my phone and see that I got a dm. I type in my username and a few minutes later the 'Congratulations you have been selected to guest 99goonsquad!' I quickly accept and wait for it to connect.

Julian- "hey what's up babe I heard your mum needed some convincing aye"

Beth- "Yeah, but I don't know Julian my mum said she doesn't have the money"

Jovani- "Just wait, girl we have a special surprise for our goonies"

Beth- "Okayyy" I giggle "I'm just gonna go to my mum wait up"

I see Julian whisper something into Jovani's ear which makes me worried that they hate me.

Guyssss this was a pretty long chapter for me aha, I'm writing this in the car so I could focus and write a lot. I'm already writing a new chapter that will hopefully be updated soon! Hope you don't mind these author notes but ily x

Is it love?//Julian JaraWhere stories live. Discover now