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~fast forward to the weekend before poms~

It's getting so close to part of my story, to finally come face to face with Julian and Jovani.

I haven't seen Mario in a long time because he left back to Florida two days after we went out.

It's Sunday now and the boys are just about to go live.

Last month was when they convinced my Mum, which then that caused Julian & I to be texting back and forth everyday.

I had been guested by them nearly every second day and I had been getting some hate saying 'You guest the same person everyday', It didn't get to me because Julian had told me that those things had been said to him all the time and he had learnt to just get used to it and that I shouldn't be affected by it.

Just as I get the notification that they are live my mum barges into my room.

"Hey sweetie, could you please do the washing"

"Mum can I do it later because 99goonsquad are live and I'm not about to miss this"

"Get it done as soon as possible okay?"

If she was about to force me to do chores right now I would've lost it.

I tune into the broadcast and the boys are live from Chicago.

"Comment how your day was from 1-10"

I comment 1000 because I know how happy Julian & Jovani get when people say that their day was amazing

"That's right babe, perfect example of positivity by Bethany, everyone should aim to have a day that's a 1000" Julian says and he winks.

I comment 'ew don't wink'

Julian pretends to looks hurt without saying anything and he winks again.

I open my phone and text him saying 'I swear if you wink one more time I'm blocking you'

He picks his phone up and puts it back down and then starts winking with both eyes like a spastic

I just text him saying,


he whispers bye bethanyyyyy

smh this guy

This is literally my life goals but ya know never gonna happen. I know I haven't updated in a long time & this is short but I swear I'm gonna try and update more!

Today 99goonsquad watched me live! it was so funny bc I had 3 pairs of sunglasses on lmao

Is it love?//Julian JaraWhere stories live. Discover now