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When I reach home, I walk in the house past my mum and give her a hug. When I walk in my room I get my laptop out and sit on my bed,  get up Netflix and start watching some random movie that I found.

My phone goes off with a text.

Mario🐸- You know who I am?

Bethany- Yeah aha, whoops sorry.

Mario🐸- Nah don't worry it's really cool

Bethany- Why are you in LA?

Mario🐸- Ehh why not? I love it down here😻

Bethany- Yeah it's pretty chill, but I'm watching Netflix so, I'm gonna go and watch it.

Mario🐸- are you choosing Netflix over me? I'm hurt

Bethany- Hmm well I guess so, whoops

Mario🐸- Obviously you're if you're still messaging me.

Bethany- Fine bye you hoe. 

Mario- Bye Bethanaeane

Wtf what is that name 'Betbanaenae' it sounds foreign.  He's bloody weird I'll tell you that much. I put my phone back down and continue watching Netflix and I start drifting off to sleep.


I get woken up by my mum shaking my shoulders.

Mum- "I got a text from the father of those twins you like"

Beth- "Oh yeah, what did he say?"

Mum- "He gave me all the information about the show and guess what"

Beth- "Yeah what" I say half asleep

Mum- "You get to meet the boys, Geovani, Jack, Gerry and who's the other one? Oh that's right Michael"

Beth- "Not even close mum oh my god"

Mum- "Obviously I'm joking, I'm cool and hip" She says as she is leaving my room. Thank god she left now or my only escape would be out of the window and I don't think that is a great idea.

I don't really want to stay awake, so I just quickly text my mum telling her I'm skipping out on dinner and going to bed now. It's really early but today has been a very very eventful day.


I wake up to the sound of my alarm buzzing my side table and obnoxiously ringing over and over again and I grab my phone and hit cancel.

I swipe open my phone and I see a red number next to the Twitter app, Twitter notifications are my favourite because it's always fun to see what's happened. I open it up and see that it is coming from the message tab. This is the best tab for it to be coming from.

I open it and it is 99goonsquad

Julian- Hey it's Julian, Would u mind giving me your number so we can FaceTime

Beth- Uh sure yeah here -number-

Now I guess I better quickly get ready for this FaceTime call. I'm freaking out, I gotta act normal for him so he doesn't think I'm some crazy fan who is just the same as all the other people. I want to seem cool and chill.

I quickly get changed, just putting on a nice top and leaving my pyjama shorts because no one can see them anyways. I brush my long brown. I grab my phone off charge and run downstairs to get myself a bowl of fruit for breakfast.

I'm getting strawberries and blueberries out of the fridge as I hear my ringtone go off. I freak out and run to my phone and swipe open to answer the call. It reveals his beautiful face.

Julian- "Hey beautiful"

ha ha hope you don't hate me for this but I'm about to fall asleep and I want to update again :)) Love you all. Btw I got a really cute dm from Julian on Twitter damn he's so perfect.

Is it love?//Julian JaraWhere stories live. Discover now