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I'm all good about this, I know I'm really ugly but deep down I know that he doesn't care. I'm still shaking because I still can't comprehend that I just talked to Julian Jara.

I go back downstairs to get my phone because I need to text Julian.

I grab my phone and see a message from Julian.

Julian- Ha Bethany your pretty cute

Bethany- Yeah right Julian omg that was so embarrassing

Julian- Don't worry I can make the ugliest faces

Bethany- Julian, are you challenging me?

Julian- You bet I am we have to have that challenge when I'm in LA

Bethany- How long now?

Julian- Don't you have like a countdown hanging in your room? fake fan

Bethany- I don't have the time honey, plus don't bloody call me a fake fan or I'll find you

Julian- Feisty, nah I know your not fake your always in my notifs

Bethany- Well I don't see you in my notifs

Julian- I'm a busy man, ya know

Bethany- Hollywood smh

Julian- I'm not the one who lives in LA

Bethany- Boy, I can't be Hollywood, no one talks to me

Julian- lonerrrrrr, you're lame

Bethany- Wow I'm so hurt, I need ice for that burn

Julian- lmao, have fun at school tomorrow.

Bethany- I'm online schooled as well, because I can't deal with the all of the peasants

Julian- Hm, we probably have the same online school then aha ;)

Bethany- Well I better go do something productive now, talk to you later

Julian- Talk to you laterr:)

I walk upstairs and decide to clean my room.

a while later

It's now 3 pm and I decide to go and chill downstairs and watch TV. I sit down and turn it onto MTV. I'm sitting for a while when my phone lights up and I see I got a text from Mario.

Mario- Hey Beth, while I'm in town still would you want to come to the beach with me?

Bethany- Yeah suree, I'm down

Mario- I want to see the sunset so I'll pick you up around 4:30-5

Bethany- All g, see you then

I'm not sure if we will be swimming or not so I just wear my swimsuit underneath shorts and a shirt.

I sit down again and wait for his text and as soon as I get the text that he is here I run out to his car.

I hop in his car and he is wearing normal clothes but he has sunglasses on and he looks funny.

"Mario you look weird in sunglasses"

"Uhh is that a good weird or a bad weird"

"It's a nothing weird, it's just weird"

"Bethany that makes no sense"

"It's just cause I have barley seen you in sunglasses before"

We continue talking all the way to the beach.

When we arrived he had parked in the car park that was closest to the pier.

"Hey Bethany, you're wearing your swimsuit yeah?"

"Yeah I am"

"Ok good"

I take off my shorts and my shirt so I am wearing my bikini. He takes off his shirt so we are both in our bathers.

We walk onto the sand and make our way to the pier. Mario leads me all the way to the end of the pier and says to me "Will you jump with me?"

I reply "Yes of course"

He counts us down and we jump. When we are in the water we start swimming back to the shore.

Mario looks at me and says "You're so chill"
"Thanks I guess?" I say not knowing if it's a good or a bad thing.

"It's just I can easily talk to you, your an awesome friend"

I know he just friend zoned me, I'm not hurt because I'm not into him that much.

*We finish the whole day at the beach and get in and out for dinner and then he takes me home*

Ugh I honestly know what it's like to be reading a book and be waiting for them to update for ages and they don't. I hate to be like that I'm just so busy. This was a boring chapter but it will all come together soon;) I promise.

Is it love?//Julian JaraWhere stories live. Discover now