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Beth- "Hey Julian" I smile and fiddle my thumbs
Julian- "Where are you from, I never asked ahah"
Beth- "I'm from LA"
Julian- "Well I can't wait to meet you in LA" He has such a warm smile.
Beth- "Julian, you don't know how happy you make me"
Julian- "Well obviously you make me happy if im facetiming you"
Beth- "In the broadcast the other day, you whispered something in Jovani's ear. It's all I can think about, what did you say"
Julian- "I just said that I was hungry"
Beth- "Oh ok good I thought you were calling me ugly or annoying" I smile and walk into the lounge room to sit down.

Julian P.O.V
Why would she think anyone would call her ugly, she's far from ugly. I was legit calling her the opposite of what she thought but I think I handled that pretty smoothly by saying that I was hungry. The LA show is really close and I can't wait to hangout with her.

"So Bethany, what do you like to do?" I ask stupidly because I don't know what to say.

Bethany P.O.V
I smile to myself because I didn't think he would even care about me and here I am talking to him.

"Uhh, I like to go on adventures, I love Ferris wheels and I like going to the beach how about you?" I say stupidly because that is the weirdest combination.

"I love to go on adventures too, maybe we can go on one in LA when I'm there" He winks at me and my stomach turns.

"Y-y-yeah I would love too" I hit my head because I'm so stupid.

He giggles "Well Bethany, I have to study for a Spanish test and I will talk to you soon, guest us tomorrow?"

"Sure, Talk to you tomorrow" I smile and hang up. He's so cute and adorable what the hell just happened.

I, just, face timed, Julian, freaking, Jara.

I really want to tell my internet friends but it's probably not the best thing to do. I'm not sure why I don't want to tell them but I just feel like they will all hate me.

I pick up my phone and decide to call Ali.

I start to go on my phone and call her I glanced up to the TV without looking. I am pulling a ugly face because I want to surprise her and make her laugh like usual.

"Uhh Bethany" I hear Julian's voice laughing.

"Omg no bye" I hang up and run away from the whole situation. I ran upstairs and jumped on my bed shaking. I am so ugly and now he's going to think of me as a bloody loser.

SHORT UPDATE; I had to update this story because I haven't in ages and I feel really bad but I will try and update moreeeee xox

Is it love?//Julian JaraWhere stories live. Discover now