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Another day where I get to hear about all my friends who are going to be seeing all the boys at poms when I have to deal with a stubborn mother.

She honestly makes it so hard, I have good grades and I'm well behaved I don't know what the issue is. 

I walk downstairs and grab a banana for breakfast, I decide to eat at the table for once with my mum to try and convince her to allow me to go to poms.

"Hey sweetie, what's happening today"'

"Nothing, I was thinking of going next door to see Ali, is that okay?"

"Yeah it sure is, so can you tell me why you look so sad"

"Because I really want to go to part of my story"

"Oh not this again Beth I told you that I have to think about it"

"You were the one who asked about it! Why can't I go? I have good grades"

"It's not about your grades, I just don't really have the money right now"

"Oh, sorry"

I walk upstairs to my room and belly flop onto my bed.

I decide to dm them on Twitter

"Hey, I really hope I can go to your tour. I don't know if I can though because my mum said she doesn't have the money now :("

"Aw babe, just wait for today's broadcast:)"

What does that mean?

I get ready for the day and walk down to go to Ali's house.

"Mum I'm heading off now"

"Okay sweetie, in going shopping so just take a key with you"

I grab the key off the hook slip my shoes on and walk next door to Ali's.

I walk straight in because their door was unlocked and I say hello to Ms Brooks before grabbing food and walking into Ali's room.

"WAKE UP BESTIE" I say as I jump onto her to wake her up.

"Guess what Julian dm'ed me on Twitter!"

"Oh my god Beth! Quiet down"

"No I can't! I want the broadcast to come already"

"You're lucky Julian and Jovani broadcast almost everyday, my little Hollywood Mario barely broadcasts anymore"

"Anyway, Julian told me to wait for today's broadcast"

"Wait what did you say to him"

I showed her the message

"Girl what? I'll buy you the ticket I have been working at the cafe! You can just pay me back when your lazy ass gets a job"

I look down and twiddle my thumbs."I don't know Ali, its so much money I don't want you to waste your money on me"

"It's not wasting Bethany, I want to be able to meet my favourite person, with my second favourite person"

"Ouch are you calling me your second favourite"

"Girl you know I'm joking"

"Let's get ice cream before the broadcast to fill in time"

"Sounds good, just let me get ready"

Is it love?//Julian JaraWhere stories live. Discover now