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**there will be Australian spelling**

On three we say yeet 1,2,3 YEET
Just as those words get said and the white screen comes up saying that the broadcast is ending I shut my computer and check my phone.

If I want to talk to them I always end up going onto Twitter because it's easier for them to notice me on Twitter

I open up the Twitter app and decide to dm their joined account, I like to message on Twitter dm's because I know that it's Julian who is answering the dm's and I'm definitely #teamjulian ;))

I'm not sure what to send so I just send a simple daily reminder that I love them, I start going through my feed when the blue thing comes up at the bottom of the screen which makes my smile go bright and I open up my dm's to see that he replied

"Hey babe, thanks for all the support love you"

I obviously freak out and tell some of my internet friends. They tell me about some of their dm's and I decide to make some edits.

*A while later*


I instantly freak out and quickly get onto the website to see all the cities on the website and sure enough Los Angeles was there, I picked up my laptop and ran down to my mum to ask if I could go.

"Mum those boys I support are going on tour! can I go?"

"Hm, I don't know who they are how do I know if I can trust you with them"

"Mum are you kidding? they have been on tours before this isn't new"

"Just let me think about it"

"Mum I don't know what you have to think about"

She glared at me "Stop talking about it or it will be a no"

I go back into my room with slumped shoulders and jump on my bed.

"Why can't she just say yes"

Another update soon

Is it love?//Julian JaraWhere stories live. Discover now