Chapter 4

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         Chapter Four-

          "So, you and Calum?" Luke questioned as we sat on my bed watching television in my bedroom. He was laying on his stomach, like I was, with several pillows beneath our chins.

          "What about us?" I asked looking at him, confusion clear in my voice.

          "Do you like him?" I stared at him for a while before he continued. "If you think I have a problem with it, I truly don't. I actually think you two would be cute together. And plus, you can't help who you have feelings or fall for, it just happens." His blue eyes stared into mine holding nothing but truth in them. I instantly relaxed knowing I wouldn't loose him, he'd be here for me just like Ashton is.

          "Yeah, I do. I just don't know what to do. Ashton gave me advice and all, but even if I do follow his advice I don't know what to do. And I don't even think Calum likes me like that." I took a shaky breath looking down at my hands. "Ashton told me I should tell him before it's to late. I was planning on waiting a while, just to see if he actually does like me. What if he rejects me? Or maybe he thinks it's gross for two guys to be together.."

          "Michael?" His voice was firm making me shut up immediately. His blue eyes stared into my grey one's with amusement and annoyance.

          "Yeah?" I questioned raising my eyebrows at him.

          "Shut up." He stated burying his face in his hands. "I'm almost one hundred percent certain he likes you like you like him. He acts different around you. He teases you. That's what he does when he likes someone. He teases them more than he teases anyone in particular. He get's touchy with you. I see the way he puts his hand on your thigh. That's a lot closer than he would ever go. The other day when I said I was leaving, I didn't. I seen him almost kiss you. I see it all, just stop worrying." He looked at me, his blue eyes shinning with amazement. "He's never acted this way for anyone, not even his ex-girlfriend. You should take the chance. Make the first move, Michael. If you don't make him yours now, someone else might."

          "I don't want to be rejected though." I mumbled closing my eyes, ignoring the soft hum from the television where The Walking Dead was playing. "And even if we were to get together, how would our fans take it? I mean, some believe that love is love and it shouldn't be changed no matter the gender, but others also believe that it's wrong and disgusting."

          "If they think that, they had no respect for you, for us. They wouldn't be true fans if they abandoned us because of this." Luke pointed out, shifting his body closer to mine until his arms wrapped around my waist. I instantly rested my head on his chest listening to his slow and steady heartbeat. "Are you afraid what people will think of you?"

          I opened my eyes to see him staring at me. "Yeah." I admitted. "I am. And I don't even know what it's like to kiss a guy.."

          "Hmm." He hummed laying back onto my bed making himself more comfortable. "You shouldn't be afraid. People will think what they think, but there thoughts shouldn't bring you down. If you are happy, so should everyone else. You can't live life having everyone run it, you have to take control. Take the step to make it worth it. Our fans are understanding." I sighed burying my head deeper into his chest.

          "I don't know what to do." I whispered gripping onto him tighter. "I'm scared."

          "Scared of what, Michael?" He moved the hair from my forehead, his blue eyes meeting mine again.

          I took a shaky breath telling him the honest truth, something I never told anyone before. "Falling in love." His ocean blue eyes widened slightly, probably from the straight forward honest answer, or for saying what he least expected.

Falling For You (A Malum Fan-Fiction) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now