Chapter 22

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          Chapter Twenty Two-

          "Michael." Calum moaned jokingly as I touched his neck gently with my fingertips. "Oh yeah."

         "Calum." I scolded sending the older lady a look that was meant to say 'I'm sorry', but it turned out to be a more irritated look, which she had returned with a nasty look and flipped me off.

         "Sorry." He chuckled quietly while snuggling into my side. We were currently at the hospital waiting for the news on Kayla. We'd be going to England in a week, and we were planning on taking Kayla with us. She's been gaining her strength back, and her percentage of living has sky rocketed for the best. In all honesty, she looks amazing. She's gaining weight again, and her curves are coming out. She is starting to wear tighter clothing, showing off all those curves. She died her hair a strawberry blond color, which her hair has gotten to the length of her shoulders. She looks really pretty, and I'm glad she's getting better. Luke and her are a cute couple, and they've been hitting it off really well.

          "That old lady flipped me off." I pouted placing a small kiss on the tip of his ear.

          "You deserved it." He joked sinking into my touch. I smirked and attached my lips to his cheek.

          "No, you deserved it, not me." I said. Calum grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers, and turned so he was looking me in the eyes.

          "Whatever." He said placing a kiss on my lips. It was a quick kiss, but the lady seemed to have different ideas of a quick kiss.

          "Stop sucking each others faces off." She snapped as she gathered her things and left the waiting room. A younger women chuckled along with her teenage daughter and son.

          "Sorry about her." The younger women said. She had red long hair, resting about where her belly button would be, and her eyes were a hazel color. She smiled at me. "She's just not good around couples. Her husband passed away a month ago."

          "Oh." I didn't know what to say.

          "I'm Alex by the ways. And these are my children, Erica and Lucas."

          "It's Luke." The teenage boy pouted at his mother, sending us a cheeky grin. His red hair wasn't long, but it was long enough to flip to his right, and it covered just above his eyes. His face was covered in freckles, lightly faded yet still noticeable, and his eyes were sapphire. He was pretty attractive, and he looked to be about fifteen.

          "I prefer to be called E." Erica said smiling politely at us. She flipped her golden blond hair over her shoulders and her hazel eyes studied us. She looked to be about seventeen, maybe even eight-teen. "I love your music." She gushed as if she had just realized we were Michael and Calum from 5 Seconds Of Summer, which she probably did.

          "Thanks." Calum grinned.

          "Oh my gosh." She whispered, her hazel eyes widening. "I just- what- how- Kayla?"


          I cut Calum off, "Yeah, we are here for Kayla."

          "How is she doing?" Erica asked with worrying eyes. "She's not in treatment is she?"

          "No, no." Calum said shaking his head quickly. "She's alright. She's just here for a check-up."

          "Good." Erica said taking a small breath in and letting it out. "Are the other two boys here?"

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