Chapter 23

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          There will be TWO updates today. The second update will come a little later..

          Enjoy! :-)

          -Jacelyn xx


          Chapter Twenty Three-

          Calum and I walked hand in hand through the airport as fans called out our names trying to get our attention. Kayla and Luke walked hand in hand too, right along my right side, while Ashton talked to multiple fans taking pictures and signing things for them.

          After we had met up and talked, took pictures with, and signed a bunch of things for as many of the girls, and some guys, we could, we headed out to the hotel we would be staying at.

          Calum and I had taken a room to ourselves, leaving Luke, Kayla, and Ashton to pair up with each other. Ashton wasn't to happy about that, knowing he'd be stuck around couples the whole time while here in England.

          "Kayla is healthy again. Like, really, really healthy." Calum rested his head on my shoulder as my arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer to me. His hands went to my lower back, resting just above my butt.

          "Yeah, she is. I'm glad." I mumbled placing a small kiss right below his ear. His soft spot. His weak spot. The spot that always got him to let out a silly little noise. It wasn't a moan, it was more like a squeaking sound, yet it wasn't high pitched, it was soft and breathless.

          "Same." Calum spoke, his breath a bit shaky.

          Kayla had got tests done three days before we left Australia, to see whether or not she has cancer yet. Her skin is tan now, showing her natural sun kissed skin, and she has gained weight, not to much, but enough to make her look healthier.

          The date they gave her and told her she wouldn't make it past, being November fifteenth, had passes already. She's been looking better then ever, acting better then ever.

          "What do you want to do?" I asked letting my fingers drum against his stomach.

          I felt him breath against my neck. short, soft, warm breathing that sent shivers all throughout my body. I loved the way his breath would always have this affect on me, and it made me smile.

          "Let's watch some television." He said pulling away from me and taking my hand into his own. Calum led me to the couch, me laying down on it, him laying on top of me. He smiled cheekily at me, placing a soft delicate kiss on my lips. I bit my lip as he pulled away, wishing I could have more.

          Once Calum had decided on watching Sponge Bob, I decided, since I have already watched the episode a thousand times, that I would just watch Calum instead.

          His steady breathing. His chest that rose and fell in a steady pattern. His eyebrows scrunching together as he focused all his attention on the television. The way he bites his bottom lip and slides his teeth against it, letting it fall back into place, then lick his lips once. His left hand was tangled with my right. His brown eyes would sparkle every so often when I would run my fingers from my left hand along his right arm. He would shiver at my touch as my hand would reach his shoulder, and his eyes would connect with mine. The way he smiled at me and placed another kiss on my lips.

          It continued like this for three hours, before he had decided he had enough of Sponge Bob.

          Calum turned a bit so his chest was pressed against my own. I could feel his heart racing against my own, matching with each of my heart beats, as he smiled and pressed his lips roughly against my own.

          I didn't bother to try to hide the moan that escaped my mouth, and Calum didn't seem to mind, seeing that he pressed his body harder against my own.

          Calum's hands made it was to cup my face, as my hands pulled and tugged at his hair.

          His slightly chapped lips, that tasted of chocolate ice cream, moved roughly against my own, in a sloppy yet neat kiss.

          His left hand roamed around my body until it came upon my thigh, where he gently squeezed it. His lips attached to my neck as he sucked a small section of my skin, and used his tongue to lick over the slightly sore section of pale skin. I moaned at his touch pulling his body closer to my own, if that was even possible seeing that he was already laying on top of me.

          "I love you so much Michael." Calum murmured against my neck leaving trails of kisses along it. I smiled letting my head rest in the crook of his neck. "So fucking much."

          "I love you too Calum." I whispered kissing his bare shoulder. "More then anyone could ever imagine."

          "I can imagine how much you love me." Calum said letting his head fall against my shoulder.

          Calum cuddled beside me, holding me in his arms. His heart pressed against my chest, as his lips attached to my neck one last time, leaving a small kiss before he fell asleep in my arms.

          "I love you more then you imagine, baby." I whispered.

          At that moment, I realized that marrying Calum would be amazing. Adopting kids together, raising kids together, being with him forever. Him being mine, and me being his. It's all I ever wanted, it's all I ever needed.

          Because Calum is my happiness, my drug. And I may not be God, but I know for a fact, if I didn't have Calum, I wouldn't be as strong, as brave, and as happy as I am today.

          Loving him and making him mine was the best decision in my life, and I would never let anything come between us. Because without Malum, then there would be no Calum and Michael. It would just be Calum... And then me.. Somewhere far from each other, wondering how we got there, where we had lost each other somewhere far back. Praying, just praying, that one day we'd be able to feel what we felt for each other once again.

          Because, Calum is my love. And nobody will ever be good enough to replace him.

          And plus, I wouldn't want anyone to replace him....


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