Chapter 19

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         10,680 READS?! Thank you guys so much! ALSO 470 votes. c: THANK YOU GUYS FOR 105 COMMENTS! Thank you all for reading, voting, and commenting. This chapter is dedicated to all of you reading this!

         And, last chapter I had asked what you guys thought of Ashlynn and Caitlynn. I've gotten really good feedback on them, and I'm glad. Let's just see if they are really going to be good characters. >:D

         I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. Four weeks ago I had an SSR (Silent Reading Project) for English due, so I was busy doing that since I waited till the last minute.. And three weeks ago, one of our freshman football players died, so I didn't even bother working on this. It was a depressing week for everyone, and I didn't even know the kid.. Then two weeks ago, I had to start on my English Essay, which I ended up doing 'Same-Sex Marriage', which was due last week. I'm still waiting to see what grade I got on that, and then two weeks ago we also had our exams for the end of the nine weeks.. So it has been crazy for me, so bare with me. But I'm back and I'm going to update every week again!


         Anyways... Enjoy chapter nineteen! Don't forget to vote and comment.

         -Jacelyn x


         Chapter Nineteen-

         "Ashlynn." Caitlynn whined hitting Ash's shoulder playfully. "That's not nice."

         "It's also not nice to take peoples food, but you seem to do it a lot." Ashlynn shot back, sending her a wink.

         I chuckled snuggling into Calum's side. Currently Ashlynn and Caitlynn were bickering on their blanket that was spread across the beach's sand. Calum and I snuggled on our own, sharing body warmth since it was chilly outside.

         The smell of salt water was mixed with the smell of rain, probably because of the rain shower we had unexpectedly got earlier. You could practically hear the trees screaming that they had finally got watered.

         "We have two more days before we go back to Australia." I murmured to Calum placing my lips to his cheek. I could feel him smile but that quickly turned into a frown.

         "I don't want to leave here. But, I do want to go back. I'm going to miss this place. A lot." He whispered turning his head so his lips made contact with mine. I smiled and gently nibbled on his bottom lip, which I've learned as the days went by that he enjoyed that just as much as he enjoyed my hands trailing his thighs at night.

         "Physical contact!" Ashlynn screamed pouncing on Calum and I. I chuckled as Calum tried playfully swatting at her to get her to go away.

         "Ah the love." Caitlynn said grinning at me. I smiled at her as I heard Calum laughing.

         "It's everywhere." I said watching Ashlynn and Calum run towards the water throwing handfuls of sand at each other.

         "They are going to get sick." Caitlynn groaned.

         "That's their problem." I said laughing as she sat beside me, cuddling into my side. "Jeez, you and Ash both love to cuddle."

         Caitlynn giggled burrying her head into my shoulder. "Yes, but no. It's their problem that they are going to get sick, but it's our problem because we are going to have to take care of them."

         "Well, shit." I cursed under my breath realizing it was already to late to get them back over here, as they splashed into the water. "If they get sick, you are taking care of them."

         "What?! No!" Caitlynn cried out staring at me as if I was some monster.

         Rolling my eyes I stood up and decided to take a walk along the shore line, with Caitlynn right by my side.

         "You know, every night when I fall asleep, I always have to see the first star. And if there is no star in the sky, I can't sleep." Caitlynn whispered. staring at the sand as the water gently washed over our bare feet.

         I stopped walking and faced her. She came to a stop and faced me too. Her face was hurt, yet happy. "Why?" I asked tilting my head to the side like a curious puppy.

         "My brother always told me that when he went of to war, he'd always try his best to come back, and if he weren't to come back he'd be the first star I'd see at night. My brother was all I really had. My mother had a man in her bed all the time, and my dad was God only know where. When I got the phone call that my brother had been killed, I lost it. I never forgot what he told me before he left that very last time. "Remember Cait, this land isn't free no matter what others may say. This land will never be free. Every night when you go to bed, I want you to pray to God, and tell him how much you appreciate all he's done for you. Because without God, we woulnd't be where we are at today." was the last thing he said to me before kissing my cheek and boarding that plane." She mumbled, a tear gliding down her cheek. She smiled slightly as if she was remembering all the good memories she had with him. "When he was home, he'd always tuck me in at night and attempt to tell me a story about how these two girls ended up together. He is the reason I am where I am today. He's not only lead me to God, but to so many other people. Like Ashlynn. Without Ashlynn, I don't know what I'd be doing now. Probably getting into a fight with my mother, as we would scream and yell at each other. I don't even know."

         "What was his name?" I questioned, softly touching her arm. I felt as if I had applied any more pressure to her soft smooth skin, that she would have broken into a million tiny pieces.

         "Andrew. But I called him DrewBug. He was ten years older than me." She stated turning towards the moon that was shinning down upon us. Her reflection was very clear in the almost black like water, as her hand gently touched her heart.

         "I'm sorry." I whispered not knowing what to say.

         She shook her head turning towards me again, a small smile on her lips. Anyone could easily tell that her smile was broken, shattered. It was no where close to her normal smile. "Don't say sorry. There is no need to be sorry. He died doing the thing he loved best. Protecting his country. And honestly, I'm so grateful I could call him my soldier. My protector."

         "How did you do it?" I questioned looking at the sky, scanning every star visible, wondering, just wondering, what star she had said was her brother.

         "Do what?" She asked, her voice slightly shaky.

         "Wake up every morning knowing your brother was gone?"

         "It was hard, it still is. But he's my guardian angel now. I have God, and my brother both watching over me." She simply stated before walking into the darkness.

         There was more to these girls that we didn't know..

         Whether it was good or bad, I couldn't be so sure.

         But if anything is to be said..

         "I want to get to know these girls better." I whispered, staring at the brightest star. "Because they are like a mystery inside a mystery."

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