Touma and the Vreedle

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 2 months ago..

A large ship flew through the sky.. green in color, with a Plumber's Symbol on it's top.. and as it so happened, this ship was being piloted by Kevin, and as for it's three other passengers.. well... they were different.

"WHOOO!!" Saten peaked out from the back of the ship, laughing. "WE'RE IN SPAAAAACE!!!" 

"Yeah! I get it!" said Kevin irritably. "We're in space... jeez!"

Kevin glared at Ben and Mikoto. "So.. why are we bringing her?"

"We promised we'd hang out with her today." said Ben. "We couldn't just leave her! Plus come on! She's fun!"

"I'm fun!" said Kevin. "You don't see me yelling about it.."

"You aren't fun... you're just gangsta." said Mikoto.

"Please tell me I did NOT just hear Mikoto Misaka say the word... 'gangsta.'.. " said Kevin.

"Come on.. don't be so up in my grill yo!" said Mikoto.

"What the heck?" said Kevin.

"My English teacher wants me to try speaking more American." said Mikoto. 

"You already sound American enough." said Kevin. "I'm astounded you don't have an accent.. "

"She's a genius, what do you expect?" said Ben.

"So.. " said Saten excitedly. "What are we doing out here?"

"Rumor is some sort of ruthless criminal is making it's way into our system, making a beeline for Earth." said Kevin. "Gwen and Max are out on other missions, so I called Ben and Mikoto.."

"Oohhh!" said Saten, her eyes sparkling. "So I get to see you fight aliens! Nice!!"

Suddenly, a frightened voice spoke out from the com unit on the ship.

"ATTENTION ALL PLUMBERS!! R-Run for your lives! A-A ruthless abomination of a k-killer is coming!! Everybody r-run for your lives! WAAAAAGGGHHHHH!!"

"Heheheh." Kevin chuckled. "This guy's probably new. Now let's get a look at our ruthless killer."

Kevin pressed a button, and a holographic screen opened up.. to reveal a large truck-like ship flying through space.. at it's helm, were the Vreedle Brothers.. and sitting on top of the ship, holding her Pretty Boy... was...

"MA VREEDLE!?" Kevin yelled. 

"Ma who!?" said Mikoto, Ben, and Saten

The ship shook violently as Kevin veered the ship back to Earth.

"Wait." said Mikoto. " Are you.. turning around!?"

"Well YEAH!" said Kevin. "NOBODY messes with Ma Vreedle!! NOBODY!! Only a complete IDIOT would mess with that abomination!!"

Kevin looked at Ben, who stared back.

"Aw crap no.." Kevin muttered. 

"Turn the ship around Kev." said Ben. "Besides.. she doesn't look that threatening.."

"ARE YOU KIDDING!?" Kevin stammered pointing at the image on the screen. "LOOK AT THAT ABOMINATION!!"

Mikoto and Ben looked at each other.. then at Ma Vreedle.

"Honestly, she's not that nice to look at.. but.. nowhere near as scary as Vilgax." said Mikoto. 

"You're looking at the one who once made Vilgax cry!!" Kevin exclaimed. "According to rumor anyways.. BUT VERY CONVINCING RUMORS!! And he's the one who once made Aleister Crowley pee himself!!"

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix, Book 7: Saints of DestructionWhere stories live. Discover now