Death is a beautiful thing.

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Ok, before I start, here is a fair warning. This will be sad as hell. I'm not joking. I'm like a puppeteer. I can make their lives change in an instant.

(My inner Joker came out)

Let's carry on.
Garnet's POV
I looked down at her. My beautiful girlfriend. My lovely Pearl. How I love her so, from her strawberry blond hair all the way down to her light blue shoes. I love her. We were cuddling, or at least she was asleep on my lap, when all of a sudden Peridot rushes through the door.

"PEARL WE GOT A MILITARY LETTER!" She yelled. Pearl awoke with a start. "Oh shit," She whispered. A little louder, she said "Peridot Reagan! Don't you dare open that letter. You know that it carries either the best news, moving news, or the worst. It can't possibly be moving, we just moved here, his six month shift isn't up!"

Peridot gulped and handed the letter to Pearl, who shoved it in my hand. She looked up at me, and I realized that she had tears in her eyes.

"Please open it."

I looked over at Peridot,who's face was ashen with fear. I opened up the uniform envelope. When I read the letter, I tried to keep my face emotionless. It read:

To the Waters residence-
We hereby inform you with great sorrow that your beloved family member, Officer Griffin Waters, has met his truly unfortunate and untimely demise. He passed a soldier of war, a great officer, a father, husband, and an amazing friend. His progress in life will not be ignored, nor forgotten. He was on duty when he was shot in the head by a Colonel for the Afghanistan troops. He is unable to have a viewing as he is not whole. His funeral is scheduled for the date of April 9th, 2016, located at Fort Albany of New York at 10:00 AM. Best wishes,
-Your companions in Fort Albany.

Pearl and Peridot looked at me. I could feel their scared eyes burn through my head. I looked up at the ceiling and began to cry.

"I'm so sorry."

The reaction was immediate. Peridot burst into tears and ran to her room. Pearl looked up at me, her blue eyes filled with tears. I turned toward her so she could wrap her arms around my neck. As my shoulder was soaked my her salty tears ( salty- salt queen) I whispered.

"There there. I never met him, but I'm sure he was amazing. He must have been so brave, and kind. I'm so sorry."

She looked up at me, her tears tracking lines thorough her powder, and whispered, "Thank you."

And before I could ask what for, she kissed me. Right on the lips.

How was that? I made it so sad. I'm sorry. But hey, they kissed

Sorry I haven't been updating this, my life has been really bad lately. My grandmother passed away last September, and I'm beginning to look like her. Since today is Easter, we went to my old church, and I haven't seen some of the people in a year. So they asked me how I was doing, we exchanged hugs, but they mostly talked about how much I look like my grandmother. Tomorrow, however, I am visiting her grave for the first time. I am very nervous and I've been freaking out all night.

I need help.

Forever❤️A Pearlnet fanfic{On hold as of 5/1/16}Where stories live. Discover now