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Walking down the school hallway getting to my Math class, James trips me and makes my heavy backpack hit my head.

He's always picking on me, since last year even now that we're in third grade.

"Oh you were in my way.", he said as I tried lifting my head up from my backpack. I have my keyboard in it which is why it's so heavy.

I saw his shoes in front of me as he steps on my back, not too hard but still adding pressure to my head.

It hurts, and I feel like my head will explode.

"Stay out of my way next time, or I'll tell my dad on you Louis.", is the last thing he said before lifting his foot up and leaving me on the floor.

My head is against the concrete and my keyboard seems like it's getting heavier and heavier. I try to do the stop, drop, and roll, like my teacher taught us to, just the rolling. I wiggle from left to right and finally find my way to seeing the roof. I take off my backpack and get up off the floor, then picking it back up and going on to continue my route to class.

As I walk I look around trying to figure out why no one helped. I see a boy that was looking at me for a long time and I looked at him. He was shorter than me and had hair that was straight at the top but curled at the bottom. His eyes looked pretty too.

He kept looking at me and I did too while walking until I walked into a pole.

"Ow!", I said loudly and heard him chuckle, which made me chuckle.

His laugh was cute too, just like him.

I wanted to talk to him but then my teacher poked her head out the door.

"Louis, hurry class is about to start.", she motions her hands for me to go in class and I do as told.

{Author's Note}:

Ok so this story I'll be writing the chapters a bit short. They'll mostly be 300- 700 words. I don't think it'll be a short story but the chapters will be short. Please keep in mind that the story is from an 8 year olds point of view, however he will age and there will be time jumps. That's all. Love you lots <3

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