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A/N: There's an important message at the end for those that are confused about how the last chapter ended. Hopefully this chapter will be able to clear a few things up but yeah.

"Harry?", I asked confused as hell and then I turned my head around to see where I was.

The heart monitor was on and there were cords attached to my body. I was in a hospital.

"Louis?! Oh thank God you're finally awake.", he said happily and kissed my hand. I could see he was crying but everything still looked a little blurry.

" Harry, you're, you're here?"

"Of course I'm here Lou. I never realized how much I missed you until I got the call."

"Call for what? Why am I here?", I was completely lost and a look of sadness washed over his face.

" Louis you, you hurt yourself really bad. Your mom called me saying she was sorry for what you 'did to me' and then said you had fallen into a coma."

"How, what did I do?"

"They found you in the bathroom. Your wrists were slit open and there was a bash in your head. They said you probably hit your head in the bathroom sink when you feel from losing so much blood.", he choked on his words.

I tried to bring over both my hands to comfort him but one of them stung terribly bad. I looked at it and it was bandaged and had some red faintly in the middle of it.

" How, how long have I been in a coma Harry?"

"5 months."

In my dream, years went by. I was in the 10th grade when my dream ended. Now I'm back in 2015.

"Where's my mom?"

"I'll go get them, I usually come here on Wednesdays and just talk to you. To make sure you're still updated, even though your probably couldn't hear me. I knocked too, to get your attention. It's pretty stupid."

Wednesday was the day in my dream that Harry's ghost visited me and knocked on the walls to let me know he was there.

"Oh, and your sister made this for you when you were sleep.", he handed me a paper that was folded up.

The yellow paper had two words written on it over and over again.

Wake up.


I saw everyone that I hadn't seen in 5 months and then the doctor said I needed sometime to adjust on my own.

For around 10 minutes I sat there, trying to process everything that I just woke up from.

I was asleep for 5 months, but in my dream it felt like nearly 5 years. Apparently when I was cutting myself in the bathroom, I had hit a vein, and passed out. When I fell, I hit my head and that's what caused me to go into a 5 month long coma.

And Harry never died, cause he was the first one I saw when I woke back up.

All of the screaming and ghost and Niall was just a dream. And the paper with the words on it was something Lottie wrote while I was asleep. She cried when she saw me awake after so long.

I sat up in the hospital bed and removed the blanket, so my feet were planted on the cold tile floor. I wiggled my toes and smiled.

In my dream, Harry and I had a tickle war and he got to my feet.

My smile slowly dropped when I remembered it wasn't real and then kept trying to get up. I slowly stood, but fell back on the bed when my legs grew unbalanced.

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