Chapter 36

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~ Jessica POV ~

Quickly, I shoved him and turned around.
Please don't be him, please don't be him...
Yep... It was him alright.
Tall, stylish and ginger headed. My dearest best friend Ron and who was accompanying him???
-"Mommy!! mommy!! Me and uncle Ron went and got some ice cream. Mommy I'm very hungry." Kai came up to me tugging my leg wanting to be picked up.
Putting my hand on his head, looking down at him and smiling, I caressed his soft hair. Then I glanced back up, looking at HIM.
He was frozen.
His eyes fixed on Kai.

-"Come on little buddy, let's go home. Mommy will join us in a few minutes." Ron told Kai as he picked him up and started heading towards the building.

I sighed and finally looked at him. His eyes were hard.

-"You have a son?" His voice came hard just like his eyes.

Hesitating and controlling my words I calmly said: " Yes."

Nodding his head... Silence fell upon us. I don't know why my eyes were getting watery.
Don't cry... Don't you cry...
I sniffed...
He heard...
I felt his hand resting on my cheek. I looked at him through my tears, his eyes were soft now.
- "Don't cry." he whispered calmly. "I get it why you don't want us to be together now."

Smiling through my tears, I rested my hand on top of his and said while looking into his beautiful eyes: " I'm sorry."

He smiled but I knew he wasn't happy. -" I just want you to answer two questions. Who was the ginger head?"

Laughing I told him it was Ron, my best friend.
-"Are you guys together?" His voice getting sour.
-"No, Ron... Well he is... Not attracted to girls nor women."
His mouth forming an 'OH' he smiled. Showing his pearly white teeth and suddenly he hugged me close to him.
-" Thank God. So you're a single mother."
Wrapping my arms around him and resting them on his hard back, I pressed my face against his chest and nodded.
Then he asked: "Where is the father?"

~ Flashback ~
It was raining that day. Alot.
It was all my fault. If only I had told them not to come to pick me up from the party. Everything would have been fine now.
The doctor had announced them dead.
They were dead...
No, no, no...
They can't be dead. What will happen to my mom, my dad, myself and most importantly what will happen to Kai?
Because of my stupid actions. Because of my irresponsibility.

~ Back to now ~

-"I'm sorry." I whispered. He was silent.
-"Hey, it's okay if you don't want to answer me now baby, I'll wait." he said as his hand was going up and down my back slowly as he was hugging me.
-"Wait, you are okay with it? I mean... Why?" I asked him puzzeled.
-" I don't mind you having a son, I just want you to accept me in your life." he told me as he pressed his forehead against mine.
He continued:" I think we should stop hating and fighting all the time."
He was right. I mean he was now one of my clients and he wants to court me.
-"Daniel what about just being friends first?" I suggested.
He sighed and after a long silence I saw him nodding.
- "Okay baby but I am going to make you change your mind soon."
And he smirked...


Thank you for all the support my lovelies.

So what do you think of the flashback? What had happened to our Jessica in the past?
Comment me your thoughts and don't forget to VOTE VOTE VOTE.

PS: I'll try updating more often. But bare with me for a few more weeks. I've got midterms coming up.

I love you guys more than KPOP and Ice cream.

Sailor G.

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