Chapter 41

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~ Jessica POV ~

Waking up to the smell of eggs and sounds of cabinets opening and closing, I opened my eyes and glanced at the clock on the side table.


Getting up from the comfy bed, I quickly went to the bathroom, took a quick shower, brushed my teeth. My hair all wet I realized that I hadn't packed any sweats nor shorts. So I quickly went to Daniel's closet.

Guys, the closet was every girls dream. Like this was a man, not even a woman, who had tons and tons of shoes, ties, shirts, tuxedos, jackets, jeans etc.. lined up according to colours... COLOURS!

I took a baby blue shirt from the closet and put it on. Yep it was like a short dress on me.
It's sexy... so good!

Buttoning up the shirt, I followed the smell.
-"Smelling good" I said as I stood in front of the kitchen door, looking at a sexy shirtless Daniel Dexter with a pan in one hand and a spatula in the other.

Giving me a smirk he told me to take a sit as he gave me a plate full of bacon and eggs.

-"Juice, milk or coffee?" He asked

-"Milk please."

He gave me a glass of milk, as he sat down opposite me with his own plate of delicious looking breakfast and coffee.

I like drinking milk so don't judge me.

Before he started eating he gave me a look as he got up and leaned forward giving me a kiss on the lips.

-"Good morning beautiful."

Feeling my cheeks getting hot and red, I whispered: "Good morning."

Halfway through eating I asked him: "Daniel who are you?"

He looked at me weirdly: "Huh?"

-"I mean everyone knows who you are but who is the real Daniel Dexter? I want to know the real you." I said as I looked at him.

-"Well to start off, my full name is Daniel Peter Dexter."

-"Oh My God it's not a triple D?" I joked as I sipped some milk.

-" Ha Ha not funny. I am a lonely child."

-"Oh! How was your childhood like?"

He gave me a long silenced answer and when he was about to say something his phone rang.
Sighing he got up and picked it up.
-"It's my dad, I'll be right back. Finish off your food baby." He said while he had his back to me. And then he disappeared into his office.

I had lost my appetite when he said it was his father.
That man was scary. Sure he was nice and all during the party but his gazes just makes you feel very uncomfortable and not in a nice way at all.

I decided to do the dishes. So I cleaned the kitchen but left Daniel's breakfast on the table. Maybe he would want to eat it when he comes back.

Finished cleaning up, I noticed that it's been some time now and Daniel still hadn't come out of the office.

Going to the hallway I stated checking which room he was in. It was a penthouse but he had two guest bedrooms, a master bedroom which he occupied, a living room, bar, office and had a big terrace with a jacuzzi.
Daaaaaaamn Daniel!

Opening a door, I finally found him sitting behind the desk, his head between his hands.
Fearing he wasn't well I rushed next to him.
-"Daniel? Are you okay? What's wrong?"

He looked at me with pain written all over his face, he made me sit on his lap as he put his hand on my cheek caressing it.

-"There's nothing in the world that will make me lose you Jessica. I just want you to trust me."

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