Moving day .

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Hi i just have to say that there might be foul language and sexual content in this book so please enjoy.

Chapter 1

As I slowly start to roll around in my bed I am dreading today I don't won't to move I don't won't to leave my friends I just I don't won't to go.
To be honest I can't imaging leaving this place its so hard to say good bye but I know I have to. But what was good I guess is that we have been living her for 2 years and we never stay 2 years That's long for my parents and That's why I made friends but know its time to say bye. Ugh I really dont won't to leave this place made me happy and know its all going to go and I have to start fresh. I have to live somewhere else ugh don't won't to go.

Sometimes I wish I could stay and say no like make I chose like we don't have to go my life would be like everyone else's normal staying in one spot but yea That's never going to happen I mean I love my family but I hate how they always make us move never stay in one spot and we never have a say. Well let's hope this knew place is the one we stay at.

" Kristin you better be up" my mom yells from down stairs.

" yes mom I am up" as I yell back

" did you finish packing ?"

" mom I am almost done OK" I yell back at her gosh

Ugh my mom pisses me off why can't she come up and talk to me we have to do it to her it should be the the same for her but no she has to do what she needs to do so.

OK as I look at my room with a little bit of memory still in here as I look at the wall were me and my friends wrote on ( laughing) that was fun and that is a memory I will remember and cherish forever. I mean yea I am moving away but the memories are coming with me just not the people. Ughhhh.

To be honest I kinda happy we stayed here for two years I actually got to meet people and be friends with them. But I am sad its all going away I mean yea I might meet a new friends but there the comparison to the friends I had here.

" sis " as I get pulled out of my day dream

" yes Scott " as he stands there at the door way looking in my room

" you ready to go " as he looks at me like he already knows the awnwser to that question.

See me and my brother are really close and for that I really happy about I always felt happy with him and I feels like he always knows what I am thinking he is always here for him as I am for him and what's really funny is that I know he is older but sometimes I think I am totally smarter then him but I will never say that to him (laughing at the thought) the thing I love about my brother is that since my parents are never home and yea he is always waiting for me to come home like when we lived here and I went out with friends when I came home I had to check on him to tell him I was home my parents don't care about us. And my brother kinda took my dad figure and ever since he hasn't never been there for me. Which I love.

" ugh I don't won't to go Scott" as I look at him.

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