New school.

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Chapter 2.

............... beep beep

As i hear the alarm clock go off as i roll over and turn if off i slowly look around the room i see that i am in my new bedroom i actually forgot that we moved and today is a new school day new day ugh. As i get out of bed and grab my towel to have a shower. as i hop in the shower i wash my body and my hair as i get out i walk in my room to find to wear as i see a purple skirt and yellowish tank top as i put my undergarments on.

as i walk back in the bathroom to do my hair and make up as i hear my bedroom door open as i hear a knock on the bathroom door.

" Kristin"someone yells from behind the bathroom door.

" yes" as i open the door to see my brother Scott.

see when I look at my brother you cant tell that we are siblings but we are. see my brother is the type that if he is late then who cares but me on the other hand i am a straight A student. and my brother well lets just say at our other school he was so popular and ever girl wanted him but for him he only showed people what he wanted them to see that he was a player but deep down my brother has a caring heart and one day i think he will meet a girl and open that up just one day i hope.

"Kristin you are going to be la..." as i cut him off when i open the bathroom door and walk past him.

"well i am ready but i am taking my own car" i say with a smile.

" fine but we have to go to get our stuff" wow he actually wants to be on time wow that's a frist.

"wow look who wants to go to school and be on time" i laugh as we walk down stairs and in to thee kitchen to grab my breakfast and grab my stuff.

"whatever lets go I'll drive behind you"

he is so perfective i love it but at the same time i need my spas.

.......... 1 hour later we arrive at school

as me and my brother get out of our car and link arms and walk in the main entrance of the school as i feel eyes on us which is making me feel awkward because for me i don't like eyes on me but on the other hand my brother dose.

as we walk in to the main office and we talk to the principal and Scott walks off frist leaving me behind as i stand there a little nervous ok so my brother left me because he is older and he is in grade 12 and i am in grade 11 so the princibal can talk to me more

"so you are Kristin right?"

" yea "i smile

" OK well her is your frist class do you need someone to show you around?"

"no i think i should be good thanks though"

all i want to do is get out of here i hate being in the office as she passes me my schedule as i walk out off the office and i turn the corner i guess a little to fast. as i hit a hard muscle person and fall to the floor and i look up to see this hot looking boy and i stare at him for awhile i notices just how gorgeous his brown eyes that are melting in my head damn he is hot and i am still on the floor like a idiot.

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