Done with him.

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I am going to cuntinue from the last chapter when there ar the party but in the begining i am going to start it off with nathan's pro


Nathan pro
when liam punched me in the face i didnt belive it he actually had the cuts to punch me.

but when he did that then i lookd at karstin all i saw was pur hurt in her eyes.

and i cant belive i am the one who is hurting her.

"Nathan screw you have the best girl in the world and all your doing is sleeping around with this whore fuck you Nathan "you two diserver each other"

when liam said that i hoonestly couldnt belive that what he said was true i mean i dont like to admit it but its true whats been happyning to mme and mostly about my life its tru i have been fucking things up and i just cant belived i have been so occupied with myslf than to focusing on the girl i love and my best friend.

i just havn't been in the mood to put any effot in to going to school i mostly sit here with my "friend"

I know what you all are thinking that i used karstin to get her verginity but i didnt u actually liked her i still do but i just wanted her to pick witch guy she liked i didnt wont to share.

I know i had no right to get her to pick between her and liam but i dont care i dont share.

But i have to say i am kinda new at this hole dating and liking thing i am ushly the hook up with the same girl all the time if you call that dating

So this is all knew.

But to be honset i really thought this hole situation with karstin and me was going to go different.

But i guse i was worng

Ok i should probably tell you the resson why i don't date.

The resson is beacue when i was younger like around 10 my parents and i we were all very close intill one day my mom was working and i came home from school and i got home i was really excited beacue i saw my dads car in the drive way so i ran up and in to the house

And started calling for my dad. When he wasn't answering i ran up the stairse and i heard werid noises comeing from my parnts bedroom as i open the door to see my dad sleeping with another womman

Then a year later my mom found out and financed for a divorce and ever since then i havnt talked to my dad and i just havnt been the same as people would say is i am fucked up.

My dad fucked me up and know i fuck up on the relasonship that i Care for most.

And well for my mom well she remarried and know she is happy i mean i like my step dad but i mean i really don't really trust him or really anyone.

Ever since the cheating thing with my dad i cant see people the same way

It always takes one person to ruion how you see Things or how you once can trust somone and be so close to someone to just trun around and not be the person you thought they were, and they turn around and hurt you.

As i sit here at the party i cant help but be bored out ot my mind every ten seconds i get annoyed when i cant find her i cant help but start to panic.

As i get up to go look i get a tug to my arm as i look back to to see my friend pulling me back down i cant help but start to get made

Beacue what if something happend to karstin i wouldnt be able to live with myself if any thing happpend with her.

"Dont touch me katie"

"Whatever you are the one who wantend me her to bug the fuck out of the girl"she gives me a annoyed look

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