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As I wake up the next and all of the memory's keeps on rushing back to me all I can remember is that I went on a date with hunter and it was fun and he kissed me I can't believe it

As I get out of bed and I grab my blue short dress and my black purse as I run down the stairs as I hear my brother

As I look at my phone I see that I have three messages I can't help to see who it is

Hunter"Hey you I had fun last night"

Liam"Hey Kristin I,was wondering if you want to hang out after school today"

Unknown number"hey how's your day see you at school"

As I read them over again I can't he'll but think about that unknown number it's the same one from last time I wander who it is and how he got my number its bugging me

But I can't help but no to be nervous for the today and what's going to happen

Wait what dose this mean since me and hunter kissed dose that mean where dating I hope not oh god no

As I get down staires I see my brother and he made me break fest yeas eggs and bacon my favorite

"Morning sleeping beauty and how was last night"Scott looks at me me

Ok Dont get me wrong me and my brother are close but when I go on my dates and stuff I don't want to tell him or I do but not as much I need to talk to Vanessa and tell her what's going on I haven't talked to her for awhile oh and liam ugh I ditched him yesterday i feel so bad but today is just going to be me and him and maybe Vanessa. Who knows

"thanks for breakfast I have To go to school Early I have a project due and I have to work in with Nathan"I smile at his name

Ugh that name was like a song to me I can't get him out of my head what is wrong with me what is wrong with him why can't my heart like hunter more he is prefect

As I grab my stuff and run to the door I feel a arm grab my arm.

I trun around to see scoot oh oh what know

"Kristin I just want to tell you that I am here for you ok and I want be home tonight so I left money in our usual spot ok so I'll see yea later sis and mom and dad sent coming home till next month so "he let go of my arm and smiled

What the hell is wrong with our parents I don't Evan no if I can even call them mom or dad there not and I know they raised me and gave birth but what there doing is not parents it's not

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