Chapter 77:The Safe Zone.

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Later that Night,A Blackhawk Flew in the Military Base led by Daniel and The Shield Team and Contacts Andrea.

Daniel:The Knight Strikers Extracted Andrea,Requesting to Return To base.

Andrea:Ahh Daniel,Negative that was My Order to Observe the Base and Check its Activity,We see a lot of troops moving but we don’t know that if everyone is deploying and on alert to secure it.

Daniel:ETA on Invasion Force over?

Andrea:Unknown,Not Long,Do what you can to the air and go back after 3 minutes.


The Black Hawk flew around the base,Back on Andrews.

Elena:Alright get around! This base is now an FOB,The Fire Company and Arctic Wolves will be the ground units,US Marines will be Coming in Few Moments Ouwah?


Yves:What about the Knight Strike Battalion?

Elena:Go to General Reid,He is in the Office here in FOB.


The Strikers went to General Reid’s Office in the FOB,Back at the Blackhawks.

Dean:What was that?

Daniel:We have to Go home.

Seth:I Think so.

Roman:Were out of here.

And they headed back towards the base,Back at the FOB with Joya,Divine,Slater and Vince and the Strikers even General Reid with Lauren,They saw the Video of Lauren.

Joya:Oh my god,what was that?

Gen.Reid:Its some kind of a Crystal gaven to Him.

Divine:It might be one of his Servants. Some servants gave him Crystal to Open a Path or somehow to Bring someone back from Death.

Lauren:I Heard what he said,The Crystal is the only way to Bring Back Ann.

Slater:Then what do you hear?

Lauren:Blood,Blood,A Drop of His Blood will be on the Crystal to Bring Back Ann with his black Blood.


Lauren:The Blood of Ann and James will be Dropped on the Crystal of Darkness,That Crystal is the Crystal of Reincarnation,The Crystal of Darkness will be the Crystal of the Invasion.

Wyler:The Crystal of Love and Eternity will end the War.

Gen.Reid:What do you mean?

Wyler:The Only way to End the Darkness is to Destroy the Crystal and The formation of the Crystal of Love and Eternity will be Formed once the Dark Army was Defeated,The Crystal will Flew to the Heaven and Bring Light from Darkness and All of Dark Clouds will be turned in the Present Time and when the Day of Destiny Comes,It will Be Disappeared and The Crystal’s Power will be Transferred to Both James and Ann and to Those who Guard their Love.

Gen.Reid:Their Love will be Sacred and Eternal in the End?

Wyler:It might be.

Vince:My God,If the Darkness Won the War,It will be the Longest Winter the world will witnessed,All of the World will be Frozen at Night when the Day that the sun is Shining but the snow keeps falling.

Slater:We have no choice,its their destiny.

Vince:Its everybody’s fate.

On James.

James:The Crystal of Darkness,I Summon My Beloved Ann To you,With my Blood and Heart of my Life,I Order You to Summon My Beloved Again in the Name of Darkness! Wake up your Soul with my Eternal Love to you! My Beloved Ann! I SUMMON YOU! I SUMMON YOU AGAIN MY BELOVED ANN!!

He Wound His Thumb to Get a Drop of Blood on the Crystal and when the Red Light Beams the Sky,She was now Summoned again and witnessed it in the FOB,And James Raised the Crystal in Both Hands above to Summon Her.

Gen.Reid:What the hell was that?

Wyler:It’s the Sign that He Summoned her again.

Joya:My God.

Divine:This is it Guys,She was Summoned again.

Slater:May God Help both of them,I Hope their Love will be Eternal.

Vince:May God Help us.

And Ann Returned from Heaven and Defected to the Darkness,She wears a Red and Black Blouse with a Fully Black Skirt while James wears A Grey Coat and Red Long Sleeves with Black Necktie and Black Long Pants and their Shoes were both Black.

James:My Beloved Ann,You Came back to me.

Ann:The Darkness is now our Side,I will never leave you.

James:I Love You Ann.

Ann:I Love You James.

And They Kissed in the Middle of the Night And the Dark Soldiers Bow to Them,The Blood of James and Ann shed into their Tears and their Eyes Turned Dark and Their Blood Turned Black and the Beam disappeared,Back at White House at the Media Room,Hundreds of Media Organizations Questioned about the Incident.

CNN:Sir,what was the Truth about the Red Beam incident?

BBC:Is there any Top Secret Experiments?

White House Spokesperson:There is no Top Secret Experiments,The Beam Might be a Laser but we cannot Confirm on that Issue.

Fox:Is that Reflected to the Dark Element?

NBC:Sir,Is Colonel James Reid turned into Darkness Sir?

CBS:There are Reports that James and the Dark Element were Related eachother and the incident was on His Base.

White House Spokesperson:No Comment,The President will speak at the Right Time.

CNN:Hundreds of Civilians Flee from Washington DC to Western States as a Red Beam Fired on Knight Military Complex but the Pentagon said it was not a Laser but was only a Spotlight with A laser Beam Like Design.

CBS:The Civilians are now Evacuated in fear of an Accident but the Question is what was inside the Base?

BBC:Hundreds of Civilians were now kept in Underground Shelter in Fear that the Dark Element Attacks Europe and other States even US,The British Government said that they are ready in any possible threat.

Russia One[Russian]:Thousands of Civilians Flee their homes in fear that the Dark Element attacks Moscow,President Kurylenko Urged Civilians to Be Prepared for any Possible Threat.

NBC:The Military is now On Red Alert for any Possible Threat and the Senate even The Congress asked the Truth about the Red beam,The Question now is that What was inside the Base? Is Colonel James Reid was summoned by Darkness? Is this might be the Beginning of a New War? Or Somehow the Beginning of the Reign of Darkness?

And The US Forces in East Coast are now aiding the Civilians for Evacuation the Next Day.

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