Chapter 33:The War Hunters

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The satellite uploads a video feed of Ramadi Iraq as the war continues.

News Caster: ...heavy fighting continued thuroghout the night as U.S. Forces continued to push towards the Ramadi in pursuit of Maadi Army. Sporadic fighting can be heard as the bulk of forces fall back towards the Center of the Town.

James:Command, this is Lieutenant Reid. Unad's Tank is en route. We're not missing this party...

The satellite tracks and analyzes Unad's M1A2 Tank - Unit cost: 4.5 - 6 million USD, Made in Lima, Ohio, U.S.A.; Crew: 4; Steel-encased depleted uranium armor; 1500 HP Gas Turbine Engine; weapons: 2 x 7.62 M240 Machine Guns, 1 x .50cal M2 Machine Gun, and a 120mm Smoothbore Cannon. The satellite tracks Lieutenant Reid and the Logo of the Knight Company Spinning and Under the Logo was the Name of James which was Robert James Reid and afterwards The Logo turned Fade Effect to James's Picture and Faded another Spin to Logo of Knight Company and the Mission Began.

"The War Hunters"

February 17th 2006

20:00 Hrs


Lieutenant Robert James Reid

Knight Company,United States Army.

James,Joya,Slater,Vince,Divine and the Knight Company defend Unad's M1 Abrams tank against an oncoming group of Maadi Army soldiers.

Vince:Jamie!,Get your ass on the line now! We got hostiles moving in from the north!

Unad: Knight 0-1 we're clear of the Bog, thanks for the assist. We'll hold down the left flank and provide supporting fire, out.

Enemy helicopters are seen about to drop troops.

Tin: Enemy air assault! Get ready! They're moving on both our flanks!

Slater:Grab an RPG and take out those choppers!

Divine: Right flaaaank! They're moving in on the right flank!

Unad's Tank,James,Joya,Divine,Slater,Vince,and the Company move up into the streets.

Unad: Uh, Bravo Six, possible ambush area up front. We'll uh move up when you've cleared the area ahead of us, over.

James: Watch for silhouettes on the rooftops!

Unad:KC stand clear. We're gonna get some rounds into those buildings!

As they move through the streets,Unad's Tankpicks out targets and fires its cannon.

Unad: Gunner, two story building,11 o clock ground floor,Target Acquired,FIRE!

The Tank fired on the Building

Unad:three story building, 1o clock second floor,Target Acquired,FIRE!

The Tank fired Another Building

Unad:Two Storey building,11:30,second floor balcony! Target acquired. Fire!

The Knight Company suppress enough enemies in the streets.

Unad: 0-1, we're moving up.

James: Roger that!

Unad's Tank moves down the street. James along with Slater and Joya's Squads clears Maadi forces building by building.

Unad:0-1 this is Unad, we clear to uh...uh we clear to advance, over?

James: Roger that! Move up and hold position at the bend, over!

Unad:Roger, movin'.

Unad's Tank moves down the street. The Company continues to support the tank.

Unad:Target Acquired,Fire!

Fired Another Building.

Unad:Target Acquired,Fire!

Fired another Building again.

Unad:Target Acquired,Fire!

And all Cleared

James:Divine,Vince,keep em' pinned down from here and head to second LZ. Joya,Slater head out back and flank 'em from the right.

Vince: They're pullin' back! Stay sharp - it could be a trap!

Divine:Lets Go to the LZ

Naprey:Knight 0-1 this is Sky Chair,We have 2 Chinooks coming in,We are Standby.


They move to a building. They come to an ambush.

Jessica: Open Fire! Pin 'em down!


Mark:Fire and Will!


Luz::Changing Mag!

Wendy:Keep em down!


Casey:Push Forward!

Erica:Aiming in!



Andrea:Keep it down!

James assists Casey and Yuri in moving a dumpster for cover. They reach the end of the ally and kick upen a door.

James: Breaching! Breaching!

As the Knight Company come up to a blown second floor, they see a T-64 tank and OpFor soldiers coming up the street.

Slater: Hold right here! Enemy tank comin' up the road!

Anatoly:I have no idea.

Joya:Oh no.

James:Unad,0-1 T-62 behind the building at your 10 o' clock! Can you engage, over!

Unad: Roger that  0-1, I got him on thermal, switching to manual.

Unad's Tank comes up to the corner of a building hidden from the enemy tank. It turns its turret at the building, aiming at the enemy tank, which turns its turret at the Knight Company and is about to fire.

Unad: Takin' the shot.

Unad's Tank fires through a steel door and wall, and hits the enemy tank, which sparks and explodes and is destroyed.

Slater: Woo! Yeah! Woo! Yeah!

Joya: Holy shit! Did you see that?!

Wendy: That's what I'm talking about, baby!

James: Nice shootin' Unad,Lot' o secondaries. Now let's get the hell outta here.

Unad: Comin' through.

Unad:Roger 0-1. So...uh, hehe, are there yet?

Unad's Tank drives around the corner as the Knight Company move out.

Sam: 0-1 2nd team is moving to rendezvous near your location and the 1st team is extracted, what's your status, over?

James: Precious cargo is intact and en route. We're almost at Highway 4 and should make visual contact shortly with 2nd team.

They move to an LZ at the end of the city. A Chinook lands to pick them up.

Naprey:Lt. Vasquez, this is Sky Chair. The Knight Sky and Knight Armor is moving in to The Town It's all hands on deck for this one so get on board and head home over.

James: Roger that! Guys! We just got ordered to get us out of here! Everyone on board! Let's go!

Divine:Knight 0-1 this is 4-1,We are extracted and moved out.


Joya:Let's Move!

They board the Chinook head for home.

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