Chapter 89:Iron Lady

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On the NORAD when the President was Hidden Few Hours Later

Pres.Sawyer:It looks like that we won in Europe,The Last Defense is within France,Bret’s Forces were now Deployed In Northern Europe,Somehow,Were gonna win this Shit.

Gen.Reid:Well sir,We Rescued Andrea Chen,We send Linn’s Air Force Battalion to France from Britain.

When a Soldier entered the Room.

Pres.Sawyer:I want to End Hostilities in Europe,The Russians are Helping us to End this Offensive in Europe.

Dark Army Soldier:Mr.President.

SecState Domingo:Get down

As the Dark Army Soldier Attempted to Kill the President,Gretchen shielded the President Wounded without Vest and Secstate Domingo Killed the Soldier in the Head.

Gen.Carville:Sir,Are you alright?

Pres.Sawyer:Were fine.


Secstate Domingo:Gretchen.

Gretchen:Take Care of yourself,Do not Cry on me even them,I Love you.

Gretchen Died within seconds because the Bullet hits the Heart,SecState Domingo turned Silent and she was in tears In Silence.

Pres.Sawyer:What happened?

SecState Domingo:She’s Dead Sir.

Pres.Sawyer:I want to Secure this Place as Hard as we Could.

On the Washington Memorial Tower,Chloe done their Operation with Ericka and Luke and They were talked.

Ericka:We got more Survivors and we killed more enemies.

Chloe:Dammit,How long is the Reinforcements?

Ericka:Wait the President’s Order.

Luke:Well how to destroy the Fortress.

Ericka:Its up to The Knights now.

Chloe:May god help them.

The Logo of the Knight Company Disavowed and Biggel’s Name Appeared underneath it and It Faded after 2 Spins.Sam connects with the President Sawyer at the White NORAD.

Presidential Aide: Colonel, you're now online with the President and the National Security Council.

Sam: Mr. President...

The President is connected with Sam from a war room bunker under the Cheyenne Mountains

Pres.Sawyer: Colonel. Have you found the Source of Defeating The Army?

Sam: No, but we received actionable intel on Andrea. The situation is developing.

Pres.Sawyer: Developing? Do you have her or not?

sam:The Knights just took her down. I'm sending you the footage now.

Biggel and the Rest is located is Paris. Frost's footage shows Volk being captured.

Pres.Sawyer: What's their status?

Sam: They have Andrea in safety, but their OP-SEC's been compromised.

Pres.Sawyer: In English, Sam. Please.

Sam: They're gonna have to shoot their way to the extraction point.

Sol Ju AC-130 in orbit over Paris is located.

Pres.Sawyer: Sam, I want Andrea alive. I don't care what it takes. You bring those men home in one piece.

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