Prologue:Getting to know Eachother.

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After the Battle,they are returned in Sather Air Base in Baghdad for debrief but they dont know who are these guys are.

James was a good shooter against bad guys,he killed 128 hostiles for his entired service in iraq and plans to go home and spend time on his own and find some love for his life.

Bret was same as James,he was a shooter in every close encounter,he is single and secretly had a crush on Fretzie,Currently he scored about 101 hostiles killed.

Fretzie is one of the Girls who can kill bad guys with her M240 Machine Gun,she is a nice girl,she had a crush on bret and she fell in love with him,she is the most numbered of kills she got since she was deployed 256 kills.

Devon was a Good Pilot and she was dreamed to fly a F-15 with her bestfriend Linn,but she was downed to become a helicopter pilot because her parents wanted her to fly a Helicopter,her parents are Airforce Colonels and they cant allow her to fly a fighter jet,and later her parents accepted her dream.

Captain Sam is a good leader,dreamed to find love in army service and he had secretly crushed on devon.

Tricia and Lt Dorscher are a couple already but they are dating in every gunfight.

Patrick is a good driver,he drived many vehicles and dreamed to become a racer but instead he entered his army life for good.

Aria and Verenice are Friends of James but they love to do shooting practice and ride around Devon's Blackhawk Helicopter.

Daniel is a Good Radio guy and he can kill every hostile he can find,but he can find his own love and he found it,the nurse Kathryn.

Captain Linn is a smart pilot but her friendship with devon is fine also,she dreamed to become her wingman.

Chacha is a radio DJ of US ARMY RADIO along with Pilots Martin D and Chinaheart and also an intel provider for the Knight company,she dreamed to go home and do good things but she will remained loyal to the army.

Yuri is a Russian-American friend of James,he dreamed to become a Police but instead he wants to become a soldier,He has also have a crush on Andrea.

Andrea Chen is a nerdy girl and a good soldier,she had a crush on james and Yuri but instead of loving him,she wanna do things in Iraq like killing bad guys and help civilians and she is close to Fretzie,Aria,Tricia and Verenice.

Kathryn is a Medic and a Nurse in the Knight Company,she started loving daniel by helping one of the wounded personel and he thanked her for helping them and they start their love story.

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