Prologue Act III:The Rain of the Rose.

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After 2 Days of Exercise,The Korean Forces Returned to Korea for their Duty on Homeland Security and Even to Retake Pyongyang from Korean Rebels attempting to Retake for the Workers Party of Korea,The President of Korea and his Colleagues will be Return to the Country within 2 Days,And the Next day,James,Joya,Slater,Divine,Yuri,Andrea,Vince,Bret,Sam,Devon,Linn,Seichi,Pamu,and Fretzie and Swat Leader Sandoval and Chief Young of the DCPD visited The Congress to Recieve their Award of Presidential Medal of Freedom,Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor and Medal of Honor for the DCPD,US Secret Service,FBI and the Knight Battalion because of their Actions on The Attack on Washington DC,They were Awarded by the President,House Speaker and the Senate President,They were Gaven Standing Ovation and afterwards James made a Speech infront of Senators and Congressmen inside the US Capitol including the President,The Cabinet Members,Secretary of State,Secretary of Defense,The Chief of Staff and the Generals,House Speaker and the Senate President,The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States And His Friends.


James:Ladies and Gentlemen of the Congress and the Senate,The President of the United States of America,The Vice President of the United States of America,The Chief of Staff of the United States Armed Forces and The Generals,The Senate President,The House Speaker,The Chief Justice,The Secretary of State,The Secretary of State,The Secretary of Defense,Chief of the DCPD and His Colleagues,The Cabinet Members,And my Comrades in the Knight Battalion,My Fellow Americans and People Around The World,Good Morning To All of you.

All are Applauded.

James:I would like to thank The Congress for giving Us another Medal of Honor,The Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor,And the Presidential Medal of Freedom for Defending our Nation against Korean Rebel Commandos in the Washington DC Few Days Ago,The Medal of Honor is Not For Us  it was for the People who are Fighting for Freedom,The Medals you Gave to Us is Not For All of us for the Armed Forces,The Medals you gave to Us is for the American People even all the People Across the World fighting for Freedom and Prosperity and Even Peace to All Mankind in A Different Way,I would Like To Thank The United States Army for this Opportunity Especially The Chief of Staff and The President of the United States,For this Opportunity to Speak,I Also Thank My Comrades in the Knight Battalion Especially The Knight Company who are Here Today,And to My Colleagues in the Knight Battalion also,But the Attack on Our Soil is Unacceptable to all of Us Americans and even the Entire World did not accept This Attack,This attack angers The People of the United States of America and even all the People Around the World,Kim Jong il along with his Family and the Workers Party of Korea Murdered More than 9 Million People with his Iron Fist with Hunger and Starvation even He Murdered these 9 Million People to Enslave the People just for the Armed Forces and the So Called Progress and Prosperity to their Economy and to their Nation,But the Coup Changed all of that,The People of Korea Rised Up and They are Now Fight Against The Murderers of their People!.

All Are Applauded for the Second Time.

James:The Attack on Our Soil was unacceptable for me and to all of us even the world,I saw they are fighting to Destroy Us,But they are failed,They Kidnapped The President of Korea even our President but they Failed because of Work and Hardship of US Army,The Law Enforcements Such as FBI and DCPD and US Airforce,We are Victorious of this Attack but 50 Enemies were Captured and under our Custody,General Oh Tae Suk revealed that Kim Jong il and His Son Kim Jong Un Ordered This Attack with the Approval of the Workers Party and the Armed Forces,But ive Found out that General Oh Tae Suk,Colonel Oh Nyun and Lieutenant Jang Moo Yul Planned to Defect to Korea and Even United States by Using Cargo Ships,But Kim Jong il Changed the Plan,Instead of General Oh's Units,Kim Jong il Send His Commandos to Attack the United States,The General and others Have no Idea what he's Planning,but he made his Hard Decision he Made,He must Follow The Orders of their Great Leader,And this attack happened,The General Made a mistake for his life for what he did to us,He Surrendered with Great Honor along with Colonel Oh Nyun and Lieutenant Jang Moo Yul and 47 Commandos,I Asked them if they wanted to Defect us,The General Said yes and The Others same,The General Decided to Help us to Eliminate Kim Jong il,The KPA and the WPK,I asked all of you To Give them a Chance to Prove themselves That they are helping us to End their Dark Days in their nation,They wanted Freedom with their Families and Rebuild their Lives in their Nation,And to Live Peacefully.

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