Little Do You Know: Part 1

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No One's POV

Today started off line any other day. Taylor got up before Adam, picked out his clothes, made them breakfast and left for her run before he could wake up. It's been like this for the past three months ever since the accident.

-Three Months Before-

It was another great night on tour for Taylor. She had just ended a meet and greet with some of the fans from Loft 89 when she got a text from Adam.

Adam: you did great babe! but please take it easy next time. we don't want the little peanut to get sick now do we?😊 Xx Adam

She laughed at Adam's remark towards 'little peanut'. It's their codeword for the baby that only the two of them knew about. Taylor was very excited about the 'little peanut' as well as Adam.

Tay: thank you!😘 and I'm pretty sure peanut is ok. Dr. Lambert says that everything looks fine and I'm cleared for touring. See you in about 5 minutes. Xx Tay

Taylor met up with Adam about fifteen minutes later where he had been waiting for her with her favorite food and some movies to watch.

"You know I love you, right?" Taylor asked Adam before she drifted off to bed.

"And I love you and peanut." He replied.

The both of them were sound asleep for about two hours before Taylor shot up, clutching her stomach.

"Adam, p-please wake up. Somethings not right!" She cried as she shook Adam.

He got up groggily before realizing that Taylor had been in serious pain.

"Hold on babe, I'm calling security right now." Adam tried calming her.

"No, I need a hospital now!" Taylor cried.

Adam shook his head and began getting ready to take Taylor to an emergency room. When he grabbed the blanket off of Taylor, be realized why she was in pain. Her half of the bed had been covered in a deep red thick blood.

"Adam!" Taylor cried.

He snapped back to reality and picked Taylor up bridal style and rushed down to the lobby. On the way to the emergency room, he notified the security that they were on their way to a hospital and that it was urgent.

When they finally arrived to an emergency room, Adam ran in to grab a nurse, pleading for them to see Taylor. Once a nurse got to the car, she realized what was happening and rushed Taylor inside for surgery.

Three hours later, after Taylor has weaken up from the meds a doctor had broke the news to them that Taylor had miscarried, explaining that there wasn't a certain cause it anything to prevent it from happening. It just happened.

-Present Day-

Adam tried to recover from the loss of their baby, but Taylor completely shut out everyone and everything. She cancelled the tour, telling fans that it was for medical reasons. No one except for family and close friends had known the truth.

It's been three months since then and Taylor still won't talk. The shrink says it's selective mutanism, caused by the loss of the baby. She refuses to say a word, but Adam knows that she's slowly breaking.

He's tried talking to Taylor and it always ends with them both crying. He's worried about her, but their shrink says that she'll talk when she's ready.

And when she is, Adam'll be there for her.

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