How Deep Is Your Love?

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Taylor's POV

"So Zoey, what should we have for dinner tonight?" I asked the infant.

She replied with coos and gurgling. Sometimes I forget that she can't respond to us. I do catch myself having one way conversations with her; she's a good listener.

"Take-out it is!" I replied.

Zoey began clapping her hands in excitement, she's a very happy baby, a lot like Adam's personality. Funny, stubborn, but very sweet.

I picked Zoey up and walked into mine and Adam's bedroom, only to find him still asleep. He must still be jet lagged from his flight back home last night.

"Da-da-da" Zoey began rambling.

"Yep, dada is still sleeping." I assured her.

"No, I'm awake, just a little tired is all." Adam called.

Zoey's eyes lit up at the sound of Adam's voice. She's a daddy's girl, has been since the day she was born.

"Well if you're not feeling well, then we'll let you re-"

"Nah, I'm always up for my beautiful daughter and my beautiful girlfriend." He said while sitting up.

Yes, Adam and I weren't married, but we've been together for almost four years now and it didn't reply feel right to get married right now. He still DJs for gigs every once in a while and I had just finished up my tour for my sixth album before I got pregnant with Zoey. It was practically the perfect time to have a baby, so that's what we did-even though it wasn't planned. But we couldn't imagine our lives without her.

"Looks like dada is up, Zo zo!" I said a little too excitedly.

I left Zoey in the room with Adam so I could go order some takeout from the Chinese place downtown. When arriving back to ask Adam what he had wanted, I found Zoey sprawled out on Adam's chest with the both of them asleep. It was a cute sight to see, a sight that not many people could experience with Adam. But somehow I'm lucky enough to get this experience.

"Um, never mind. We changed our minds. Have a nice day." I said through the phone.

Afterwards, I had laid my phone on the night stand and picked Zoey up and carried her to her room to sleep. I felt bad for separating the two of them, but I knew that Adam needed the rest and he couldn't with a baby sleeping on his chest.

After laying Zoey in her crib, I went back into our room for a nap with Adam.

Two Hours Later

Adam's POV


I felt two little hands patting my face. Zoey must must've crawled out of her crib... Again.

"Is she up again?" Taylor asked in her sleep.

Zoey has a tendency of somehow climbing out of the crib and crawling into our rooms after her naps, but now it's starting to get out of hand.

"Yeah.. But it's ok. She probably just misses daddy." I assured Taylor.

Taylor rolled over in annoyance of being woken up again this week. Now, she loves Zoey, but she hasn't got a good night's rest in almost ten months and I don't blame her.

"Okay Zo, we're going to leave mommy to sleep and we're going to go start dinner."

Dinner was going to be something simple tonight, just some takeout and a movie. Nothing too big, but something Taylor would enjoy.

"I smell Chinese!" Taylor yelled down the stairs.

Soon she was entering the living room with a very happy expression.

"Someone had a good nap." I commented.

"A very good nap until this little booger woke us up, but it was probably time to get up anyways." She says while taking Zoey out of my arms.

Zoey began laughing at the faces that Taylor had been making towards her.

It was cute seeing her in mommy-mode. She's a natural with Zoey. It's one of the many things that I love about her and one of the reasons why I began picking out the perfect ring for her.

With the gigs and Zoey being a full time priority, I hadn't had the time to actually pick out a ring, but I was hoping to make her Mrs. Wiles soon. We had already had everything else that we potentially wanted in life and somehow err were still waiting for marriage. It's crazy how fast these four years went by, but I wouldn't change it for anything else.

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