Forever (In The Lonely Hour: Part Two)

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Wow. I'm sweating like a mad man. Today is the day. The day Taylor marries Tom.

Today she's going to stand in front of her family and friends and marry a man that I wish I was.

I've spent the last three months getting drunk and wallowing over the circus of a wedding when I should've been making plans to win her back. There were so many opportunities where I could've shown up at her house or easily give her a call, but no. I was too scared that she'd reject me.

"Bro, you've got two hours to be ready or we'll be late. Get your lazy ass up!" My good friend, Charlie scolds.

Of course I was going to attend, it was Taylor's big day and she was kind enough to invite me.

"Did you ever stop and think that Taylor wants me there for a reason?" I ask Charlie.

I slide my slacks up and button them. While getting dressed, Charlie looks confused, probably confused on exactly what I meant.
It intrigued me that she invited me, but why?

Maybe she planned this, I mean why would you invite your ex, the one that you spent six years with, to marry a man that you've been with for a short amount of time?


Charlie is one of the smartest people I've ever met, but he's an idiot at this moment.

"What if she invited me so I'd stop this damn thing?" I say as I finish my tie.

"No, I know Taylor, I've seen her with Tom. She loves him. Let her go Adam, don't ruin her day." He says with a sad expression.

"Charlie, she's the love of my life. I can't just let her go." I say more excited than I was before.

I don't know why, but I have the feeling that something good is going to happen today.

"Adam, you know I'm friends with the both of you, but if you ruin this day for her then I'll never talk to you again."

Charlie was serious about this. Taylor and him were practically like brother and sister ever since high school. So it wasn't a surprise to me when he threatened to never speak to me.

"Charlie, I'm not going to ruin anything. Let's just go before we're late." I chuckle and grab my tux top and keys.

Charlie proceeded to give me the whats and what nots of what to do at the wedding. I didn't make any promises, but I doubt I'll do anything.

At The Wedding

Everyone was around mingling with people they hadn't seen in years and in all honesty it was nice catching up with some of Taylor's family that I hadn't seen in ages. I was in the middle of a great conversation with one of Taylor's cousins when I heard an all too familiar voice call my name.

"Adam Wiles, didn't know I'd see your face here." She says sassily

"Abigail Anderson, I haven't seen you in a while," I retort. "And I was invited by the bride."

We continue on a conversation that involved what we had been up to for the last two years and talking about old memories until I heard an organ playing, that's when I knew everything was about to begin.

"It was good seeing you Wiles, but we all know what you're here for." She slyly says.

I give her a confused look, baffled by what she was saying.

"I'm rooting for you, you know what needs to be done. Don't disappoint me Wiles." She says before she walks away to be with the other bridesmaids.

That was weird, what was she talking about? I will never understand that red head and her riddles, but she is pleasant to be around. Quickly, I find Charlie and we take our seats in the third to last row of the chapel, not wanting to get noticed much.

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