I Really Like You... A Lot

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No One's POV

Taylor sits in class, watching the clock as it goes by so slow. She absolutely hated her fifth period, but she needed the class if she wanted to graduate.

Luckily, she wasn't alone. Her best guy friend, Adam, had been in that class as well. Taylor and Adam had been friends for almost four years now, they told each other everything! Taylor loved baking and Adam loved eating everything she baked, so that's pretty much how they became best friends.

"Pst... Tay!" She heard Adam whisper-yell across the room, they had recently been separated from each other in class for taking too much.

Taylor turned towards Adam and watched as he threw dinner type of note towards her. After catching the note, she opened and read it.

"I forgot your snap chat user. Write it below or I'll be mad at you!


Of course he forgot. Adam was the type of person to forget his passwords and when he did, he had to start all over.

"of course you forgot, XD! tay.13 it's no simple and easy to remember, Adam.


She three the note back to Adam and continued on with watching the clock. Every once in a while she'd notice Adam staring at her, so she'd do the same thing; flip him off. It wasn't in a mean way, it was just an inside joke between them.

Later on that day, while walking home, Taylor got a message over snap chat.


tay, I need your help!

'What the hell did he do this time?' Taylor thought to herself.

That's the thing about Adam, he was always in trouble with a teacher. Mainly their fifth period English teacher; Mrs. White. She pretty much hates Adam, but that didn't stop him from trying to have fun in her class.


uh oh. Why'd you do this time?


I kind of locked myself out of my car. I'm stuck at the school. What do I do?

Taylor laughed at her friend's stupidity. Instead of calling a lock smith, he went to her. Adam must've thought Taylor would have known what to do.


call a lock smith idiot.


why can't you help me?


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