Random Facts About Me

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ok, so i don't think i've taken the time to get to know some of you and that doesn't feel right bc i consider you all my friends so here are a few things about me:

1: i just turned 18 a few weeks ago

2: i have two tattoos

3: i got my first tattoo when i was 16

4: i got the second tattoo for my 18th birthday

5: i have 2 moms and 2 dads and by what i mean by that is that my parents are divorced and remarried, i have my mom and stepdad and then my dad and stepmom.

6: my godparents are a same sex couple, Brittney and Maria, and i spend most of my time with them

7: if it isn't obvious, i love taylor swift, and i have since i was 6

8: no matter how many errors i use or how i say "y'all" a lot, i excel in literature. i'm southern, so my grammar can sound very incompetent at times, but i'm a straight A lit student.

9: i love to travel, so far i've been to Italy, Rome, Costa Rica, Germany, London, Africa, Columbia, Puerto Rico, New York, Pennsylvania, Maine, Colorado, and Barcelona.

10: my goal is to travel to Sweden and Australia

11: i don't really count my east coast travels as travels because they're east coast and i live on the east coast.

12: New York and Colorado are y favorite places to be because New York is so diverse and everyone is different and the times is fast, Colorado because my best friend moved out there and i love spending time with her when i can

13: before i found out that tay's fav number was 13, mine was 13 because my mom went into labor with me on December 13, but had me December 17

14: Karlie Kloss

15: i have a friend that's name is Karly with a y instead of ie

16: i work at hardee's and hate it

17: 17 is also my favorite number

18: my name was originally supposed to be Tequila Aliza after the liquor tequila and the vodka aliza, thank the lord my grandmother changed my mother's mind

19: my name is Rachel Ni'Cole, but I go by Rae

20: my name Rachel means precious little lamb in Hebrew, so when growing up my grandmother would always call me little lamb

21: i go by rae bc it means rae of sunshine and my best friend says i'm a rae of sunshine and she nick named me rae

22: 9 is also a favorite number because my mom is 9 years older than tay and tay is 9 years older than me, so it goes 80-89-98

23: i ramble a lot

24: i named my kitten olivia before taylor named her's olivia so now everyone thinks i copied taylor

25: i graduate in 5 months!!

26: this was only supposed to be a few facts

27: i'm an excellent baker and if i don't go to college or the air force then i'm going to culinary college

28: every year on January 23, i celebrate the day i met my best friend over facetime because she moved to colorado

29: i'm short for my age, 5'4

30: i'm pretty sure you guys are tired of my facts by now so this is all for now.

Leave some things about yourself so we can get to know each other!

All the love,

Tayvin One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now