In The Lonely Hour

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Adam's POV

I stare down at the cream colored paper reading it carefully, hoping that what my eyes see is wrong, but sadly it's not.

'You have been invited to attended the wedding of
Taylor Alison Swift
Thomas William Hiddleston.

May 3, 2018.'

She getting married. She's actually marrying him.

Of course she didn't look back at what we had, of course she didn't miss me. What was it that I did? Did I not show her enough affection? Did I not hold her right or make her feel safe? What was it that turned her away from me and right into his arms?

At first after the break up, it was all great. I was a single man, not having to worry about pleasing anyone or making sure the other is happy; not that I didn't love making Taylor happy. I strived to make her happy. But after the first week was over everything went down hill. I started missing her every time I would find one of her shirts or when Roy would walk around looking for her.

Everything changed. The pillows would start losing her scent, the kitchen didn't smell like fresh baked cookies, I didn't have anyone to hold at night. Simple things that meant the world to me.

I was an idiot back then, I had her right in my hands and now she's really gone. Why didn't she love me?

Not a day goes by where I don't think about Taylor, from the way she used to get overly excited when Monica and Chandler kissed or how she would have a spontaneous writing spree. Everything was perfect.

Was. Everything was perfect.

How did we go from talking about our children and who they'll look like to me getting invited to her wedding to another man? I wanted everything with her. She's the only person I could imagine myself growing old with. I swear the first time I met her I saw our future.

But here I am, in my dark cold room, sitting in the edge of my bed with a bottle of Jack Daniels rereading that damn paper over and over again, hoping to wake up from this horrid dream.

I loved that women, hell I still do. The day she left was the worst day of my life. My heart still aches for her, hoping that one day she'll knock on my door.

Maybe she still loves me, maybe she's just scared.

Oh who am I kidding? It's just the alcohol talking, Taylor would never. She's moved on from me. She doesn't love me.

I take a long drink of the Jack Daniels loving the feeling of it burn down my throat. If this is what heart break was, then I absolutely hate it and i hate Taylor for making me feel this way.

I look around my room, letting everything soak in. Come to think of it, this whole room reminds me of Taylor. The walls. The bed. The pictures of us that I still kept up. Even the huge window that overlooked the city. She loved to look out that window every morning and every evening.

Damn it, I need to get out of this room, I need to take that picture down. No matter how hard I tried, my body wasn't going to allow me to look away from it.

I drank again from the bottle, hoping that I'd forget everything soon, but sadly I wasn't.

I swear I was going to stare a hole into that picture. That god damned picture that made me hate everything about my life in an instant.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO FOREVER, GOD DAMN IT!" I yell as I throw the remains of the bottle towards the picture.

It shattered in a bunch of little pieces along with the frame and glass of the picture. Alcohol sliding down my walls.

I walk over to the broken glass, not worrying about getting cut or anything, I just want to retrieve the one thing that brings me utter happiness, but also the most horrid pain I've ever felt.

At the point in my life I could be more lonely and down. Everything I once had was gone and given to someone else.

Before I knew it, I was passed out, wishing that when I woke up it'd all be gone.

A/N: should I do a part 2 where it's the actual wedding? Comment if yes.

All the love,

Tayvin One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now