All Star High (Sonic in high school Fan fiction)

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Sonic's pov

We all shuffled into class hurrying to our desks and looked at the board. I was in a rush, as I was every day. Classes never seemed to get by fast enough; the teachers would drag the lesson until I had forgotten the first step on how to do the work in the first place. Our teacher has been out and we been getting a sub. It turned out she had been transferring to another school, but telling the sub's to tell us she was ill. Never trust a teacher… they feel you have not 1% right to know anything about them. Not even if they were sick. Suddenly the assistant principle swung the door open with a huge smile on his face.

"Hello students!" His voice boomed making everyone snap out of their morning grogginess. "I have wonderful news! Your teacher has been transferred to another school-"

I interrupted him in my mind, "because she couldn't stand messing with us anymore." She was a really old woman and thought of this 'generation' as she put it was worthless and she even told us she saw more than half the class in jail by the time high school was over. I couldn't blame her. This wasn't the best school in the neighborhood and the store right across from the school building had moved, claiming the students had stolen too many merchandise. But really there was only a hand full of 'bad kids' only they would make themselves known.

"After many sub teachers and I'm sure very uncomfortable teaching lessons we finally have found a new teacher!" he said as if it was the best present in the world and we were getting it before Christmas… how thoughtful the school board is. I sighed and folded my arms on the desk growing weary of the introduction. "Please welcome, Miss Rose as your new teacher in Mathematics."

Oh yeah, I know what you're thinking the same thing I am. 'Poor Sonic has MATH first period.' Sucks for me right. Actually you'll find it gets worse.

As a pink hedgehog stumbled in with a lap top, purse and… bigger purse? The students all greeted her with the uncaring, "Hi Miss/Mr. (insert name here)" complete with the rolling of the eyes.

"Ahem, thank you. Good morning to you all and I'll take roll as soon as the bell rings." She said straitening up and flashed a quick nervous smile. She was kind of cute. A little young to be a teacher of high school. She almost looked like she graduated not too long ago herself. Her dress was a little small on her, but it was okay for her age, and she was a bright pink. Making her green eyes stand out like 3D. She walked over to the teacher's desk setting up her laptop and name plaque. I watched the door carefully. It swung open as Jet the hawk hurried in and looked around and at the big clock at the back of the wall. He flashed a smile happy he wasn't late and took his seat next to me.

"Hey!" He nudged me, "is that our new sub!?" He had noticed Miss Rose.

"No." I shook my head with a smirk of my own, "She's our new teacher."

"Oh boy! I just got a new favorite class." He chirped. I chuckled watching her a little more before flashing my eyes back to the door.

It again opened as Silver jogged in looking at his watch, and then at the clock on the wall and gave a sigh of relief. And took his spot on my right side.

"Hey." I said nodding.

"Hi!" He smiled setting down his unnecessarily heavy back pack and looked to the teacher's desk.

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