Digging up the past

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I don’t know everything about Shadow, except for he pretty much takes care of himself. Maybe that probation officer will do him some good. I sighed scrolling down in my computer looking at files. There was this part of my mind jabbing at me, something I can’t explain. Like the first time I seen Shadow, I had hoped he wasn’t a student. Not because the police brought him in, but because when I saw him; his tall muscular frame and that ‘bad boy’ attitude. Of course it gives me grief as a teacher but I’ll admit when I was going to school, his type always fascinated me they seem to hold secrets. And who doesn’t want to know secrets. I know I’m not in high school as a student anymore, I should be looking for nicer gentlemen that have a good job and dress in suits and ties. (And now that I say so, that part of me who is so intrigued with Shadow is picturing him in a suit with a loose tie!) I blushed and fanned away the image scolding myself harshly. That could cost me my job damn it! Just like I told him, this is nothing more than a student to teacher relation and nothing more. It can’t be… it’s like another Romeo and Juliet tragedy. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad if I was his college professor, people date their collage professors all the time, but high school?

‘Do you remember, how he jumped in and came to your rescue?’ my thoughts teased. Oh yes do I remember! He was like superman! He showed up out of now where and then bam! Had those guys on the floor! Yeah he was so strong!~

‘How about when you had him all alone this morning?’ My thoughts went on, ‘you know what you wanted to happen? Naughty~’

No shut up! I shook my head pushing out the image. ‘You know you like it! When he pushes you against the wall and he’s so close you can smell him around you. He’s be gentle but just a little rough.’

My face burned a bright red, thank goodness it was my off period and I had no students at the time. Stop thinking about it, I swear! But it’s true I pictured Shadow just taking ahold of me and pinning me against the wall and the desks as he ripped at my clothing and kissed me softly with very soft strokes down my sides. Sliding my hands in his jacket and taking it off of him, and pulling of his shirt.

‘Knock knock’ “Hello Miss Rose??” A voice interrupted my fantasy.

“Yes?” I perked up a bit stuffing away images and hoping I wasn’t too red in the face anymore.

“I’ve got those papers you requested from the office.” The Assistant principal waved a manila file in his hands. “It’s some top documented stuff,  I’m surprised it’s not under classified.” He set it on my desk, “By the way are you feeling alright? You look flustered.”

Darn it! “Oh thank you. I’m fine really I just had some spicy food for lunch.” I said quickly with a smile.

“Oh I see!” He smiled, “You like spicy food huh? Have you ever been to that one place down the street? It’s a restaurant that supposedly has the spiciest meat loaf!”

…Meat loaf…? He isn’t trying to do what I think he’s doing…?

“Maybe we can go sometime?” He started to get red in the face this time, “I mean it might not be as classy as I’d want it to be but it fits the budget. I’ll even cover the bill! What do ya say, you want to come with me?”

He is… he’s asking me on a dinner date for a meal of spicy meat loaf… wow.

I put on a smile and shook my head, “I couldn’t possibly; I’m much too busy with grading papers. Besides a ‘dinner date’ would be crossing the ‘professional’ lines wouldn’t it?”

His face lit up red and he scratched the back of his head, “Oh n-not like a date or anything! J-just as friends!”

“Thank you very much I’m flattered by the offer, but I’m afraid I simply just can’t accept.” I said with a fake frown acting like I was disappointed and pouted.

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