Probation With a Heart

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Shadow’s POV

I had three days solitary after I started a riot in the lunch room of the jail. It was dark, with no light and almost no sound. My ears started to ring of silence. I almost got to kill him… one of the members of the other gang that attacked Miss Rose. Just my luck we ended up in the same jail house. I almost had him… I could see my hands in front of me through the darkness, but I could still feel the crushing wind pipe of his throat. So close…

The silence was broken by footsteps coming down the hall, then the little window where they would slide in food for me, only it wasn’t time to eat. The commander’s voice came through it instead.

“Shadow.” His voice boomed through the darkness and bounced off the walls and made my ear drums vibrate. Tch, you try being in solitary for three days.

“Can we whisper for a moment, you’ve broken the sound barrier in here and now I swear I’m deaf.”  I rubbed my ears.

He stayed quiet for a moment before lowering his voice but not quite to a whisper, “I’m not going to keep bailing you out of here like this.” He hissed.

I stood up peeking out at the bright light, “I’m free to go now?”

“Yes but you’re on probation.”

“Awesome get me out of here.” I grumbled hitting on the door.

“Wait a minute! What’s this I heard about you almost killing someone around here?” He narrowed his eyes through the window.

“We kill people every day commander why should it matter?”

He just sighed and opened the door, “Come on.” I walked out the light was blinding but to feel the other elements around me was heaven.

“What time is it?” I asked looking around squinting my eyes.

“Nine in the morning.” He answered.

“Great I have just enough time to make it to school a little late!” I could still make it to first, and see Miss Rose.

“Hold it.” Commander gripped my arm, “You’re on probation, a strict one.”

“Whenever is probation not strict?” I yanked from his hand and continued walking, “so what are the restrictions now?”

“You’re assigned a probation officer, you must abide by his commands and instructions or be thrown back here. Also, no more of that disgusting smoking.”

“You want me to quit?” I grumbled grabbing my leather jacket out from the locker they’d held my regular clothes and took out the pack of the cigarettes. I crunched them in my fist and tossed the whole pack away in the trash, “Done. But that one pack cost me 7.54.”

“Well if you’re absolutely serious about this, I’ll be happy to offer your money back. Also there is a curfew.”

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