Scourge is Hungry

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**Sorry I don't have time now to edit any mistakes I might find atm mom is making me go to bed (and I'm so not tired -.- ) but enjoy~ **

A week later. Scourge's P.o.v

It was almost lunch, man was I starving. I only grabbed a cereal bar for breakfast and that is not enough to fuel this tank of pure awesome sexiness. My hands were stuffed in my jacket as I prowled the hall for Shadow, or some stupid kid that was asking for a beat down. When I'm hungry, I get grumpy so everyone makes sure to avoid me the period before lunch. I was able to get a nice nap in during that English class. Some movie about a retard and his stupid rabbits… I heard he died in the end. I rounded the corner to find just the guy I was looking for. 

He was a bit busy though, some kid must have gotten in his way. I leaned up on the wall waiting for him to finish. Funny, we never really pick on girls, well not like we do the pitiful excuses for guys. Shadow likes to pick on Miss Rose; she is cute so he isn't lying when he says so. And adorable when she's angry. I was ready to hop the fence and chow down. He finally let the kid up a total mess. It was hilarious the nerd glasses were all crooked and his papers were sticking out of his book he held as he ran away in tears!! He turned back to me giving a casual nod. 

"Starving." I said nodding back and pushed off the wall. 

"Yeah where you want-"

There was suddenly a screech of his name from just the second door down the hall. That was our math class, so it was Miss Rose. We both snapped up in attention at her tone, boy she sounded pissed.

"Get your tail in here!" She pointed at him and was already holding open the door. We normally walk away from angry teachers; the most they can do is call school security and have them report us to the office. It's a wonder how we aren't in alternative school. Instead of walking away he told me the 'one minute' finger and walked over to her. Damn it… out of all the days, why did it have to be when I was hungry!? I would have walked away, maybe met up with Espio or Knuckles and got one of them to slip off campus with me, but the yelling that was going on inside that room, someone was bound to get slapped. I moved in closer angling my ears to pick up the conversation through the announcement that had blared on intercom speakers. Something about field and track or something. I wasn't paying attention; all I could hear was Miss Rose giving Shadow a verbal beat down. 

I can't put it in all her high intellectual words, but she was definably insulting his upbringing. 

"Your parents would be ashamed! I don't know what went wrong in the case where you decided to become the next jail bird and throw your life away so early, but I will not tolerate it anymore! And furthermore, don't even think for a second you impress ANYONE with that shit of an attitude! You might impress your lowlife of a friend; in that case I hope you're that impressive to save you back side in your future jail cell! But you are not impressing anyone else and simply repulsing to me! If you want to make it through this school year, I suggest you nut up and behave!"

Whoa was that some kind of threat? I'm sure half of the things she said in there could be turned against her… right? That's a total ego crusher right there! Even I felt small! They sure don't talk to us in the office that way. 

"Do you understand?" She finally finished. It was quite. Was he still there?? Maybe he chaos controlled away, I wanted to peek in to see what was going on. Maybe she made him so angry he was charging up to hit the broad clear across the state! Sure it might sound way too mean, but no one talks to Shadow like that!

"Get out." She ordered. I didn't need to see to know that she snapped her arm out pointing to the exit while ordering him out the door. I stepped back waiting for him to come out. This was all to, weird, almost like out of character of the world I was clueless at what to expect of his reaction when he came out. He stepped out his eyes avoiding looking directly at me. He was quite, still as speechless as I was, but not only that his eyes held back tears!!! You know when you're not going to cry but no matter how hard you try it spills over with your eyes still open in all your efforts to keep it back? Yeah, streams of actual TEARS came from his eyes!! I NEVER saw this guy cry! NEVER!!

My jaw gapped open as my glasses slid down my nose exposing the crappy yellow light in the hall way. 
"What just happened?" I asked finally stepping up to him checking him out.
All he could do was look down and shake his head. He sniffled before finally speaking, "That really hurt man…" he said in a muffled whine. I could only imagine… the girl you secretly like and take up for when even your best buddy takes a picking on her, cuts you down and then cuts you deep. Poor guy… she really doesn't know all the things he does for her. They might be small little things like stopping someone from looking up the skimpy skirt she wears, and stops a great porn drawing of her and even bullied me and Beat out of making graffiti of it. She really doesn't know how many times he saved her from humiliation. 

I swung my arm over his shoulders and began to walk him away from the evil woman lurking with in the room. 
"Hey come on now, don't be crying like this!" I said hoping no one was around as we walked down the stairs into the ground floor hallway. "Check it, okay we'll slip out the campus and we'll talk this out over two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions - all on a sesame seed bun. And an extra order of fries, because I know you like them. I'm buying." 

"Yeah." He nodded rubbing his eyes roughly, "that sounds great."
"That's it!" I pat his back hard as we came to the doors just as that Blue look alike came in. He stopped stumbling back in fear waiting for one of us to take the jump on him. I was too hungry to waste my time, and Shadow, too upset. But the sight of that goody two shoes knowing his place was enough to put that familiar smirk back on his face. I bet he was a little stunned when we both walked past him like he never existed. 

McDonalds was actually a bit far away, and even further, when on an empty and growling stomach. Shadow scoped out the seats while I stood in line, thank god I was the second person. I picked up our order filling up our cups and brought the tray to the table.

"Hey jail bird." I teased setting the tray down and slid in the booth taking a peek out the window watching all the cars zoom by on the highway. 
"Yeah…" He grumbled. I heard him already munching on the fries. I flipped open my Big-Mac and took a big bite. Kinda hard to not look like a starved cave man when eating on a 'just a cereal bar for breakfast' stomach. I think I actually bit my finger.

"Slow down, it isn't going to run away from you." Shadow said nibbling on a long fry. It was funny how he ate them. Nibbling and take his time on them, like it was some delectable rare cake. Until he was down to the short or medium fries, then he's practically throw them in his mouth. I managed to slow down when I was half way done in only 3 huge bites. Now that I had my mind off the hunger, I was able to ask about what the hell went on with Miss Rose.

"So, Miss Rose went all p.m.s on you hu?" I nodded while taking a sip from the straw.
"Oh… yeah." He sank in his chair. Looks like he's going to be depressed for a while.
"What's her problem?" 
"Guess she caught me and that kid." He said now throwing in the smaller fries. 
"Damn, all of THAT just for one kid that she probably don't even know?"
He shrugged grabbing the drink and slurped up, "She talked about my parents… said they would be ashamed, but it was practically their fault."

That was harsh. Being as how Shadow doesn't have parents. And his whole family life is confusing. His creator 'father' died. His biological father, well they disowned each other. And his cousin or something, that Egghead, he doesn't even want to claim him as family either.
"She doesn't know your life; she has… had no reason to accuse your parental beings of anything!" I yelled. How dare her… 
Shadow shrugged starting on his extra fries I bought, "I don't. I mean maybe the fact I don't have anybody like a parent is one of the reasons I turned out this way…" 

"Oh please!" I coughed, "Don't let her brain wash you. That's what the school is all about. The fact is, when the going got tough, you got tougher. And to further prevent any hard times you simply scare the fuck out of ungrateful little shits so you can have a happier life." I said happily at the last part leaning back in my seat and started on my fries. He smiled, and even let out a laugh. 

"Yeah. I can always count on you can't I." He shook his head still with a smile already done with the second box of fries and took another sip of his drink before finally getting to his burger. I know I was starving, but I couldn't eat two boxes of large fries, drink, and a big mac. I wonder where he fits it all. 

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